
Artist Spotlight # 26

Submitted by mimi 09/24/07 8:23 AM GMT

Our next artist to be spotlighted is an "owd geezer" who claims he is Dunstickin but we sure know he ain't "dunshootin" yet! If you would like to view our resident bench-sitters' images, please go to his gallery and enjoy the works of art.

Wow!..this was totally unexpected! ‘Shocked, dumfounded, scared, and delighted’! all these emotions went through me when I heard. ’Famous at Last’!!..

I am totally overwhelmed and ‘gobsmacked’ that I have been chosen as ‘Artist of the Month’ and I humbly thank all those who have nominated me, and that my photography has been enjoyable to you all.

I think most of you know me by now and, how much I enjoy myself on here!! When I first discovered Caedes, 3 years and one month ago! (Boy, doesn’t time fly!) I was very excited at the thought of showing my images on a web-site!.. Now the rest, as they say is ‘history.’ I can truthfully say I have enjoyed every moment of my time on here, and have made some very delightful friends in that time! Thank you and bless you all for making me that fortunate!..

I was an only child and was christened Robert - known as Bob all through my life! I suffered with a few problems in my early life. ie: Double pneumonia, Bronchial pneumonia, Spinal Meningitis, and the usual complaints of early childhood! I spent most of my earlier years in and out of hospitals, even doing my school work in there! Luckily I had a great doctor, and recovered from all that to lead a some what ordinary & at times, exciting life!…

I had several jobs, first as a worker in a steel industry driving over-cranes poring molten metal into containers, then eventually ended up truck driving!

Growing up, and into my late teens, I was involved a lot with Youth Work, in a local club. This was a time in the 60’s when good ol’ Rock n’ Roll was all the rage! I joined a local ‘rock’ band as a drummer, and had some great times doing that!

I met then met Ann in 1966, affectionately known as ‘Wor-Lass’ and married her in 1969, we have had a blissful married life of 38 years! Have two children, a lad & lass! We adopted both of them at a very early age! And are now blessed with a delightful and loving grandson David!

In all my life, I have had an interest in photography, and had an assortment of camera’s beginning with a ‘Kodak Brownie’ graduating onto the usual 35mm stuff, and then to the one’s I use now. My main camera is a Panasonic FZ50 and I always carry a pocket sized Panasonic TZ3 wherever I go! Both are excellent cameras as results show in my posts!

In 1980, when working as a truck driver, I had an accident, which left me with a lot of problems and had to retire from work because of them! Those times were bad for me, and I turned very depressive. But through the love of my wife Ann, family and friends, I made it through those ‘bad times’! A friend suggested a hobby, and that is how I became to make ‘Walking-Sticks’ [some of you on here, have seen my work on those] Over many years I showed my work at county fairs and various show gatherings. This was a part of my re-habilitation and I accumulated a lot of awards and prizes for this. Finally I became a tutor and a judge in this craft. However, the hard work using the materials for this work, took its toll on my hands! And reluctantly I had to give up on that. I have happy memories of that period!

It was then that I became more embroiled in my photography and turned to buying a computer. I bought a second hand one to learn on, which was just a well. Because within a week, I wanted to either throw the bloody thing out, or maim the ‘wife’! It was her suggestion that I enrol in computer courses, which I did. I have now learned a great deal which enables me to enjoy my new time consuming hobby.

Although my disabilities inhibit me a lot, I find the thrill of going out and taking pictures very enjoyable and stimulating! During my outings of taking my snaps, I sometimes get into a few err! ‘difficulties’ !! Episodes of falling off gates and having to be bedridden for a few weeks! Chased by various domestic animals that had to remind me not to get near them! Tumbling backside first into patches of stinging nettles! And I cannot remember how many times I have had the pleasure of falling into a river or pond! But, despite all these ‘mishaps,’ I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it all, and have felt like a big kid again! I am delighted I can share all my ‘snaps’ with you!

Never a day passes that I am thinking “What can I post today?” Will my friends enjoy this one or that one? As I dig deep into my ‘rubbish bin’…Ah-ha there’s a new bench that I must try out!

I am so very grateful to Caedes for giving me this opportunity to inject a new passion into my life, and will always be thankful for that!

Now, my dear friends, may I raise a glass or two in salute to you all, and say a big Thank You for the enjoyment, pleasure and companionship I have received since joining this site!

Owd B☺B


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