
Contest Results: Letter & Numbers

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Ended 10/13/14 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: bfrank (See the full results)

1st place
Love Never Fails by bfrank

mesmerized: Creative, clever...well spotted and presented...super entry, of luck.

Flmngseabass: Extremely creative and very well crafted Frank!!!! A well deserved 1st place in this contest. Bravo!!!!!!!!!

tigger3: Now this is really thinking out of the box, very creative, and a superb contest entry. A big bravo! =^..^=tigs♥

bfrank received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
W is for Why by mirto56

bfrank: Congratulations Doug on 2nd place. Well done.

bfrank: That's a beautiful picture Doug and a good one for the contest. What happened on that day will always be a big why for many. My niece was in that building at that time of that terrible day. I thank God she was alright.

mirto56 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
AXL by Ramad

Joanie: Actually, its really cool Raj! Good idea and good luck!!!

biffobear: Good idea..Would do well..R.

Jimbobedsel: Clever indeed. I never would have thought of that, even though I have a
Swiss Army Knife like that. It would make a great entry into the contest. Well done, Raj.

4th place
Letter from Paris by Heroictitof

mirto56: The tower is so beautiful illuminated at night and the fountains grace the image even more. Fantastico Christophe!

0930_23: Great shot. Love the exposures.
Perfect for the contests.


(Viewed Full Screen)

5th place
Succomb by 0930_23

bfrank: Perfect title for that sad worm. At least it is immortalized on Caedes. Makes a perfect S Tick. Good luck in the contest.

picardroe: Very well captured Tick.

luckyshot: Tick - A cruelty of one's life becomes the contest opportunity for another - terrific find and capture. Best wishes in the contest. Thad