
Contest Results: People

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 10/12/11 10:15 PM GMT
Winner: thornrelic23 (See the full results)

1st place
Future of Haiti by thornrelic23

FlimBB: A well deserved congratulations on your win. A stunning photo worthy of first place to be certain!

Samatar: A great portrait, not the kind of thing we see a lot of around here and if the contest is the reason you uploaded it then it is achieving it's purpose. Pose and detail are excellent; the composition would be better IMO if it wasn't so tightly cropped, IE more background showing to the left of the image and above the top of the head.

thornrelic23 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
half a kronenburg and a scotch chaser by JQ

tigger3: Jan, I'm amazed at the postwork in this one, excellent, good luck! Tigs♥ =^..^=

Logun7: Congratulations Jan.
It was a great entry and my favorite of all:)

Joanie: Love your work on this guy Jan!!! Such a cool feeling it gives. Excellent and good luck girl!

JQ received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.