
  Waiting Alice...  

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Uploaded: 09/15/06 9:50 PM GMT
Waiting Alice...
Views: 12019
Dlds: 5172
Status: active

"...If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?.." .........Who needs a white Rabitt anyway .....Big blend of a few shot of mine(sky's, trees) and a lot more that aren't (stock from .xchng). many things in this manip.. maybe too much actually...


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09/15/06 9:59 PM GMT
Wow... How to put this... That's some heavy sh--! Dude... ^_^ Kudos in the double at least. ;)
0∈ [?]
09/15/06 10:05 PM GMT
In some way we are all puppets on a string. So go ask Alice, I think she knows. So what's the significance of a 2nd pair of shoes? Skillfully built, wonderful to expore!
0∈ [?]
We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.
09/15/06 10:08 PM GMT
BTW. Not too much at all IMHO. Just right. ;)
0∈ [?]
09/15/06 10:29 PM GMT
thanks so much guys!^^ I put lot of work in this so I'm glad you enjoyed^^

lol klas, you sweared =P ...that don't happen often, so I guess that's a big positive reaction^^ I was worried about the many elements there... I'm reassured now^^

Alexis: when I made this, I kinda thought it has an invitation, to attract the viewer to make him want to go there... so the second pair of shoes is symbolically there to show someone has already entered and left his world behind... no one wants to be first^^ lol
0∈ [?]
09/15/06 10:43 PM GMT
Really impressive! You made me think.
Wish I could do this. Or at least have your patience.
Respect, man!!!
0∈ [?]
09/15/06 11:05 PM GMT
Well, I am really just in awe. I have a blank stare which is out of amazement at your imagination. The more I look at your work involved, the more I feel like something from the produce department. It would be fun to watch you create this "I think I said that before"
0∈ [?]
09/16/06 12:22 AM GMT
Very nicely done. I don't think I want to go there though, alice can have that scary place all to herself...
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
09/16/06 5:24 AM GMT
Outstanding creation as usual Lucy. Tour creativity absolutly amasses me.
0∈ [?]
Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
09/16/06 1:11 PM GMT
thank you guys for the great feedback, glad you liked^^

0∈ [?]
09/16/06 10:41 PM GMT
This made an immediate and powerful impression on me right away. Enough said..To me this does not bring to mind the theme you chose,Alice in W ,close and along those lines ,yes..Therefore, I respectfuly disagree with the lettering..This could and does stand alone in my opinion...A fav..
0∈ [?]
09/18/06 8:49 PM GMT
Amazing picture ! Very powerfull and full of unsolved mysteries ... Bravo !! :)
0∈ [?]
09/19/06 5:28 PM GMT
You have great imagination. This ones very well executed too (just a little mistakes on the left side). Here's certain kind of dark and still mood which I like. And in my opinion there certainly isn't too much. I love that kind of images that have a lot detail but doesn't look too messy (and your doesn't). That line of trees is beautiful btw :)
0∈ [?]
09/21/06 1:55 PM GMT
This is so out there and I love the manipulation you have done in the creation of this wonderful new world. Excellent work
0∈ [?]
10/04/06 2:05 PM GMT
Very cool. I love your style, its awesome. I don't think its too much at all.
0∈ [?]
And for the first time in my life I felt beautiful. Finally part of the earth. Gallery
10/09/06 3:49 PM GMT
Crikey Lucy, I though you had gone completely crazy when I was reading your intro, then I read the title and it all made sense… sort of. Gosh I wish I had some of your imagination. There is so much suggestive stuff here like the extra shoes and the balloon that my brain can play games with this one for days. It’s a true piece of art that talks to me. Now all I have to do is make sense of what it’s saying to me :-)
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/10/06 8:54 AM GMT
Fantastic once again! I wish I was as creative as you and as skilled at image manipulation, because you just keep coming up trumps with almost every image you do. I totally dig the style and atmosphere you manage to create time and time again and this is no exception. Just brilliant
0∈ [?]
11/06/06 2:11 PM GMT
I knew it was yours before to see it at full size...
Quand vas-tu commencer ŕ exposer? :-)
0∈ [?]
11/06/06 5:08 PM GMT
thanks a lot guys^^

lol Pierre, c'est une possibilité, on en a discuté entre amis... mais pour le moment rien encore de concret^^
0∈ [?]
11/10/06 5:12 AM GMT
I love your gallery. The imagery is fantastic, and your narrative is excellent! I like the way this fantasy art lets ones imagination take flight and think of marvelous things. This awesome puppet, the globe, the lightning, the window frame, all stretches the mind. Such a fine creative work. I like the sepia tone - it's just right. The whole landscape is moody yet mind expanding. Whoa, I can't stop. Just know Lucy, that I appreciate your art and thanks! :))
0∈ [?]
I'm going to be browsing for images..commenting when able. I need to catch up on things.
05/15/07 12:43 AM GMT
Great job - brilliant concept, very well executed. I'm not keen on frames generally, but that's me. Fantastic, suggestive, evocative and challenging image.

- cfr
0∈ [?]
08/16/07 7:40 AM GMT
An intriguing, magical and story-telling work,one of the more imaginative could consider doing installations in art galleris, I believe.Alain
0∈ [?]
05/29/08 12:37 AM GMT
Being that the central figure in this is directly ripped from the depthcore piece by nkeo or Rik Oostenbrook, entitled 'God is taking a trip to elsewhere'. Direct credit should have been given to this artist. This is bad form and credit should not be given or taken without acknowledging the original artist who did the central piece in both works.
0∈ [?]
05/29/08 6:30 PM GMT
I took the puppet image on stock.xchng, and the one who posted the image was the one who took it (not NKEO as you seem to think).

if you have a account on stock.xchng, here's the direct link :

It was posted on 2005. Standard restrictions on the photo. It means basically that I can use the photo for commercial and non-commercial use and that I'm not obligated to notice the author if I use the stock photo. You are however right, I probably should have. I'll say in my defense that I usually don't take stock photos and start working on them right away. months can pass before I use the photos, and since I don't usualy keep the links of the different images, well...

I did in fact noticed a few months ago that a member of Depthcore had the puppet photo on one of his photomanip. We both (NKEO and I) took the picture on the stock site and used it in a photomanip, nothing more. This tends to happen a lot.

I checked, to make sure, this particular image on NKEO's deviantart gallery and he do say in his description that he took the image from stock.xchng...
0∈ [?]
06/02/08 10:11 PM GMT
Very Salvador Dali. definitely a favorite!
0∈ [?]
06/02/08 10:11 PM GMT
agree with the Dali idea, beautiful!
0∈ [?]
06/26/09 7:41 PM GMT
No worries about using stock images, that person just needs to get over it. its great work and thats all that matters.
0∈ [?]
07/20/09 8:39 PM GMT
stunning image.
0∈ [?]
10/25/09 6:55 PM GMT
I am actually amazed with this image, it is absolutley stunning and so surreal. Right into my favs.
0∈ [?]

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