
  Sleepy Sam  

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Uploaded: 06/10/06 3:05 PM GMT
Sleepy Sam
Views: 2576
Dlds: 279
Status: active

Apologies for uploading family shots but this is my new son Sam who is only nine days old. Seemed appropriate for this contest.


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06/10/06 5:26 PM GMT
such a beauty :) congrats!
0∈ [?]
For long you live and high you fly, And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be.... my gallery
06/10/06 7:26 PM GMT
what an adorable photograph! You can only imagine just what is going on in his head while he is sleeping! thanks for sharing.
0∈ [?]
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that is why we call it the present."
06/11/06 12:55 AM GMT
oh my its soo cute :)
Its soo young and innocent love the photo :)
Congrat for this cutie :)

~ Nad
0∈ [?]
You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak
06/13/06 9:27 AM GMT
This is an extremely beautiful picture. The Baby "Sam" looks as if he is still in the womb. Very touching. Much joy will come from this child I am sure.
0∈ [?]
06/13/06 2:26 PM GMT
I love this. Babies are so sweet and innocent. I am a happy parent of a 4 months old and I know how sweet babies look when they are sleeping. Sometimes they smile, that means they have pleasant dreams... Very, very nice pic. Good luck in the contest! ;)
0∈ [?]
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Visit my G A L L E R Y ^^ ANCA

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