
  Passport to the World  

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Uploaded: 06/26/04 7:43 PM GMT
Passport to the World
Views: 3704
Dlds: 1111
Status: active

To me is a passport to the world. You can visit amazing places through the images the members submit, and see things you would otherwise never see.


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06/26/04 7:46 PM GMT
Agree with you, KJ !
Long time ago since your last picture... :-)
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"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
06/26/04 8:44 PM GMT
Yes, I also totally agree. Great idea.
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The work of art may have a moral effect, but to demand moral purpose from an artist is to make him ruin his work. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1832)
06/27/04 1:22 AM GMT
Very, very clever. Totally original interpretation. Well done.
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"Success is getting what you like. Happiness is liking what you get." -anonymous
06/27/04 2:29 AM GMT
Another great idea. This is going to be a tough contest. Good luck. ;) Very well done.
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B.J. ;)
06/27/04 7:16 AM GMT
Thanks for all the comments guys. I appreciate it!
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- Let me show you the world through my eyes... - ICQ: 212610647
06/27/04 7:40 AM GMT
Beautiful! Great idea nice work and agree.Well done.
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Carpe diem.
06/27/04 9:53 AM GMT
great idea - well executed
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
06/27/04 4:07 PM GMT
Nice, you are quite right about, it is kind of a passport to a world. Maybe not Earth... but a world! Great Job!
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When the rooster crows, it's time to WAKE UP!
06/28/04 3:32 AM GMT
good call, I like it :)
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A change in Point of View: 1 2 3 4 ... more to come. Ideas?
07/01/04 4:52 PM GMT
This ones gonna win something, i can tell you right now, maybe most original, or best interpretation, or something
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"This is like deja vu all over again." - Yogi Berra ~~CHRIS~~
07/01/04 4:53 PM GMT
The only problem is the stamps are all for south africa, is just a passport to south africa?
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"This is like deja vu all over again." - Yogi Berra ~~CHRIS~~
07/01/04 5:58 PM GMT
No, Caedes is not just a passport to South Africa. I used South African stamps, because that's my country of residence, so in essence through my images, I'm a providing a "passport to South Africa" on Caedes.

Those stamps are pretty old, and some are even valuable or so I'm told ;)
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- Let me show you the world through my eyes... - ICQ: 212610647
07/03/04 10:24 AM GMT
This is a very good idea.Very nicely applied... :)
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Happiness is a behaviour.Sadness too.Make your mind CemKarahan
07/08/04 1:36 AM GMT
full marks from me. that is cool

0∈ [?]
07/23/04 12:28 AM GMT
9/10 for originality & execution.. and philosophy? :)
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07/31/04 2:57 PM GMT
What a unique idea, carried out in a beautifully woven image, lovely!
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The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. (Emile Zola)
09/05/04 8:14 PM GMT
amazing and inspiring. especially for someone like me, who would love to travel the world one day!
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Luin Sereg
11/09/23 4:07 AM GMT
The person who created this post is a very nice person. It seems like a lot of people are having fun here. I love how you share posts every day. 메이저사이트
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