
  another delayed FF  

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Uploaded: 04/18/15 4:30 AM GMT
another delayed FF
Views: 1597
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Status: active

It has been taken well after midnight, ie on Saturday. Boris is somewhat ailing and therefore we walk couple of times, for short periods, not to overexercise his little poor self...:) SAM & SAAB


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04/18/15 7:12 AM GMT
That is a very nice shot done with a flashlight SAM. Fine details here. Hope your assistant is not really sick but only tired.
5∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
04/18/15 8:49 AM GMT
Wow Sam such a beauty lovely foofy.
3∈ [?]
04/18/15 8:49 AM GMT
Hope that the hurt leg of your CIC SAAB meanwhile has turned out not to be a serious problem and that he feels better now. Give him some extra hugs, an extra bone and a cat to play, lol.

SAM, this is a very good MMFFC (Midnight Mission Foofy Friday Capture) which meets the requirements for a SMC (Secret Mission Capture): the subject is very clear while the background don't reveal any details.

Mission succeeded.
7∈ [?]
Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
04/18/15 8:54 AM GMT
I recall that one of your specialties is shooting flowers at nighttime, SAM. You always get wonderful results and this is no exception. Fantastico!
5∈ [?]
Smile, without a reason why. Love, as if you were a child, Smile, no matter what they tell you Don't listen to a word they say Cause life is beautiful that way. (From the film "Life Is Beautiful")
04/18/15 10:51 AM GMT
Very nice close-up Sam, Well done.
3∈ [?]
04/18/15 11:09 AM GMT
Nicely captured, Marzena. Wonderful nighttime photography.
5∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
04/18/15 11:59 AM GMT
Good Golly Miss Molly that is gorgeous! Your early early morning walk has probably done your beloved dog SAAB and us a lot of good. He gets the needed exercise, and we get to see a beautiful foofy post from you. You did a top notch job getting this shot. I love the way it stands out from the dark background, and the clarity and colors.
Excellent work all the way around...and I know Boris Baby appreciates it too. I hope he is feeling better soon.
6∈ [?]
04/18/15 12:44 AM GMT
Nicely done, the light painted flower contrasts well against the night sky and softens well into the background.
I'm pretty sure, that if I started waving a torch around in the early hours of the morning, then the neighbours would call the Police about the antics of the weirdo from number 20...
Hope Boris gets better soon.
6∈ [?]
Open images at full resolution and take a few steps back...
04/18/15 1:24 PM GMT
The color, and contrasts are perfect SAM, I do hope Boris gets better soon, maybe those long walks are becoming hard on him?
6∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/18/15 3:39 PM GMT
Looks really good against the black...R.
5∈ [?]
I wish I was a Glow Worm, a Glow Worm's never glum, 'cause how can you be grumpy, when the sun shines out your bum?
04/18/15 6:41 PM GMT
This is one outstanding capture of blossom and having a black background it sure makes the flowers pop out at you .Well done to a very sharp looking capture Sam !
5∈ [?]
04/18/15 6:52 PM GMT
SAM, SAAB and Patsy Cline Walking After Midnight and shooting foofies. Hope you guys didn't keep the people awake.
Good shot.


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5∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
04/18/15 7:51 PM GMT
Lovely bloom Sam with terrific detail not always captured in night time shot - excellent post!
5∈ [?]
. . . "What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be a face without a smile, a feast without a welcome." A.J. Balfour
04/18/15 11:07 PM GMT
Fabulous simplicity at it's best SAM & SAAB, the dark background really makes these delicate and beautiful pink blossoms really pop - Bravo...SABK
5∈ [?]
04/19/15 1:07 AM GMT
The blossoms are absolutely gorgeous Marzena!!! Great nighttime photography skills - I would conclude that the short walk with Boris proved successful - great capture!!!
5∈ [?]
04/19/15 3:18 AM GMT
A great shot in the dark foofy capture, SAM. Lovely colours and a good DoF in the photo. WAS
5∈ [?]
Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. -- Philip K. Dick, Valis
04/19/15 5:26 PM GMT
I didn't forget you !!
Sorry for being late on commenting your post...
I had some very busy weeks...
Great macro my dear friend !!
7∈ [?]
Visit my gallery, there's always something new from France !!
04/19/15 11:42 PM GMT
Oh, this is great. Your photo, simply beautiful. I could reach out and touch them. The blossoms showing us that spring is upon us! You have shown them in all their glory.
6∈ [?]
"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." Henry Ward Beecher
04/22/15 5:29 PM GMT
I like the idea of night time photography, most people don't think to do something like that.
7∈ [?]
Long before the white man and long before the wheel, when the dark green forests were too silent to be real. Light foot 1967
04/23/15 7:11 AM GMT
Great solid bg and excellent clarity. This one couldn't be better. Nice work friend and a fav for me :)
7∈ [?]
04/26/15 9:49 AM GMT
its a beauty Boss! im glad to see the dark night time backgrounds that i loved some much about your flower shots is back. hope Boris's paw has healed up well.. hugs to both of you!

this one belongs in the "Main" just one thing i dont like? its not mine..well i could fav it and then STEAL it!
8∈ [?]
04/28/15 2:42 PM GMT
Simply beautiful, great shot!!!
5∈ [?]
05/29/15 12:25 AM GMT
Not just another FF, dear Marzena. It's a lovely, well-composed, skillfully presented portrait. This is beautifully minimalist, and you did it under less than stellar circumstances. Best wishes to your partner and our friend.
7∈ [?]
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.

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