
  So too are the days of our lives...  

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Uploaded: 08/16/04 3:40 AM GMT
So too are the days of our lives...
Views: 10213
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Status: active


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08/16/04 4:01 AM GMT
I really like this image for some reason. It really speaks to me. Makes you really think. High marks from me on this one.
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"Not all who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien
08/16/04 4:04 AM GMT
hah excellent! this image takes me back to when i was 4 years old, it was the 80's, i wasn't in school yet, i hung out at home with my mom all day, and this was "her soap"
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There's an emptiness inside her and she'd do anything to fill it in. Though it's red blood bleeding from her now, it's more like cold blue ice in her heart. She feels like kicking out all the windows and setting fire to this life. She could change everything about her using colors bold and bright, but all the colors mix grey. ~*DaveMatthewsBand*~
08/16/04 4:09 AM GMT
Very interesting, don't care for the show but I love the image! 10/10
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Freedom is only a state of mind
08/16/04 4:30 AM GMT
Agree with Ree -- this image is MUCH better than either the TV or its original radio show. Great job, Sam. Top marks and lots of kudos. :)
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Mary in Montana
08/16/04 5:40 AM GMT
Great image... love the reflection... J
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Here nothing, see nothing, speak nothing.. that way noone gets hurt.....
08/16/04 5:40 AM GMT
lol Sam now we know what you do all day. Nice job on this.
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Cheers. It's kileychristine!
08/16/04 9:03 AM GMT
Awesome bryce work sam! I can learn a lot of you.
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+ If you're moving in a vehicle that's faster than light, then what happends if you turn on your head-lights?
08/16/04 10:07 AM GMT
I like your optimism, it's still full.
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Those are my pricipals and if you don't like them.......Well , I have others. Groucho Marx
08/16/04 11:49 AM GMT
Nice Brycework well done.
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Heres to alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of lifes problems
08/16/04 12:18 AM GMT
Love the two-tone blue in the sky as well... makes it visually richer. Great render too - very crisp.
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never give up
08/16/04 2:19 PM GMT
This is my favorite show of all time so I just love it. The others are right, you should sell this to the company and make some $ on it cause it is better than the current theme they have, lol. Well done!
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"Say what you mean and mean what you say!"
08/16/04 4:01 PM GMT
I'm not a big fan of the show, but this is an awesome render, wtg sam :)
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@}~~Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen~~{@ *~Angel~*
08/16/04 8:24 PM GMT
very nice object and reflections. the only thing is that after a while the 'bryce background' is a little bit repetitive. it would be cool I think to see this object in another surrounding...something more dark... maybe not change the water but put something else instead of this sky. just some thoughts... nice job^^
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08/17/04 10:59 AM GMT
ah memories of my Socrates teachings and report i had to do in school. "Like sand through a hour glass, these are the days of our lives...". Which is why i love this pic.
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"One man with courage makes a majority." Andrew Jackson, 1832
08/23/04 2:16 AM GMT
Lovely render Sam.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
08/27/04 3:31 AM GMT
creative use of the bryce 5 metaballs. agree with Lucy about backdrop
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An image rated way too low! Dragonfly Environment
08/31/04 11:10 PM GMT
what is that doing in the middle of the ocean anyway?
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You only live once take it to the extreme -_- ‹^›(ò_Ó)‹^› Shiznet ‹^›(ò_Ó)‹^›
09/04/04 2:23 AM GMT
Nicely Realized, Intelligent Concept. Goes well with the clock screensaver that helps to make me realize that there's another variable involved in 'computing' (ie.'time'). Thanks.
0∈ [?]
09/11/04 10:42 AM GMT
I like this.Beautiful work,Sam.
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Carpe diem.
12/23/04 9:39 PM GMT
this site has the ability to part of the future but instead mires in the consumerism that is detroying the bvest of what we can all be as a species. Beware viewer... It is just another pretty enticing internet trip to get info and offer little

0∈ [?]
04/12/05 9:55 AM GMT
I like it. *raises eyebrow at previous comment*
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'Study the past, if you would divine the future.' - Confucius ................. Pieces to Ponder : Blueness
05/02/05 1:08 PM GMT
Well rendered Sammy.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
02/11/06 5:30 AM GMT
Boy, ain't that the truth! The title fits. One little technicality-does the amount of sand missing from the top jive with with what is collected in the bottom?
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02/11/06 5:33 AM GMT
Boy, ain't that the truth! The title fits. One little technicality-does the amount of sand missing from the top jive with with what is collected in the bottom?
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10/30/06 8:51 PM GMT
Awesome! I like this one very much!
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Don Haney | Mt. Vernon Studios | |
02/18/07 11:40 PM GMT
Awesome i saw this in featured images. Very Impressive. Sandi
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Are we thinking spring yet?.
03/16/07 3:02 AM GMT
Well, this one attracted at least one comment weirder than mine will (I hope) be.

This is fabulous. Apart from the fact that I would probably prefer the hourglass on the left, this is simply excellent. I don't know if flipping it would count as an edit - hope not. It would make the writing into mirror-writing, I suppose. I think it would add to the air of mystery this has, but there you are.

I didn't know this was a soap, so luckily I don't have to get past that. I am wondering why there's a small something by your website (torch? telescope?) but that's all.

It makes me think of the analogy used by some proponents of the "argument from design" for the existence of a god of a certain sort, as addressed in Dawkin's 'The Blind Watchmaker'... an hourglass rather than a watch, yes, but presumably the same ideas apply...

Marvellous work.

- cfr
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