
  The Phoenix  

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Uploaded: 09/09/06 3:41 PM GMT
The Phoenix
Views: 4174
Dlds: 1403
Status: active

Lower Antelope Canyon, Arizona


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09/09/06 3:54 PM GMT
Fantastic shot! The lighting, colors and textures are amazing. Thanks for sharing this.
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Thanks to all who comment on pictures in my gallery. Please accept my apologies if I am unable to thank you each time, and please don't feel obligated to thank me for my comments.
09/09/06 3:58 PM GMT
It almost looks surreal. What a dynamic capture with great lighting, depth and texture. Truly an awesome sight. Well done and thanks for sharing this today.
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"Acknowledge yourself for how far you have come, instead of how far you think you have to go." I'm always happy to see you at My Gallery. I appreciate all of you. Thanks, Anita
09/09/06 5:35 PM GMT
Shannon this is superb, another 10! Keep them coming, into my favs it goes and Bravo!
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Still a bit busy with projects but please know that I appreciate you all, and will stop by and visit your images as often as I can. My best to all my friends. Sincerely, Carrie
09/09/06 7:01 PM GMT
Unbelievably beautiful!! Definitely a 10 and into my favorites, also.

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09/09/06 9:10 PM GMT
There is nothing else i can say
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09/10/06 9:06 AM GMT
Its beautiful and leads the imagination to think its something else. . well done!
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This Moment - Wonderful Moment!
09/11/06 1:19 AM GMT
What a spectacular shot! Simply beautiful! Vicky
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09/16/06 12:52 AM GMT
This is terrific .. along with the rest of these shots. Stunning!!.. a word I dont use too often.
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The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. - Brooks Anderson
09/16/06 1:05 PM GMT
This is a perspective I've never seen before in A.C. pictures. The curves and colors are dazzling. And what a great job you (and your camera) did, in capturing the detail even in the shadowed areas. This is a prize-winner for sure.
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Caedes says: "DON'T be afraid of hurting someone's feelings. DO offer advice on how the image could be improved."
09/16/06 8:23 PM GMT
A dynamic capture, Shannon. This is a brilliant shot. Gotta have it.
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If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry D. Thoreau
09/17/06 4:16 PM GMT
Like Anita, I think it looks surreal! Actually, at first, I didn't think it was... but wow! This is completely fantastic and flying into my favorites! Wonderful job!
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Life is short. Talk fast.
10/11/06 5:33 AM GMT
i've been to upper antelope but never lower antelope. your photographs really make me want to go there. the long exposure is very impressive. you definitely know what you're doingl. jen
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i'm so far behind that i know i'll never catch up. sorry if i don't comment on each of your pictures. . be patient! Please Visit My Gallery
10/11/06 5:59 PM GMT
georgous!, wish it was a bit larger in resolution so to fit my screen, color and composition are perfect.
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I hold it true that thoughts are things; They're endowed with bodies, breath and wings: And that we send them forth to fill the world with good results, or ill. That which we call our secret thought speeds forth to earth's remotest spot, leaving it's blessings or it's woes like tracks behind it as it goes. We build our future, thought by thought for good or for ill, yet know it not. Yet so the universe was wrought . Thought is another name for fate. Choose then thy destiny and wait, for Love brings Love and Hate brings Hate. - Henry Van Dyke.
10/21/06 1:49 PM GMT
This is very cool. If it wasnt in the gallery called photography i would swear it was computer generated. Very weird effect with the perspective and colour but very cool.
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He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
01/27/07 6:48 AM GMT
oooo, very pretty
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if you could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, your life would be changed forever.
03/04/07 6:22 PM GMT
Wow! It does look like a phoenix!
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Photographers are artists, magicians. They capture beauty so that it will last forever, and they might change it, make it something it is not. Thanks to photoshop!
12/15/07 9:29 PM GMT
Very interesting. Which way is up? This is fantastic from any position.
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"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney
04/04/09 1:08 PM GMT
THESE ARE AMAZING!!! Now since this is on the Navajo Nation, who was your tour guide and did they restrict photography ? Thanks for sharing with us!
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There are no words to describe, only in the deepest fathoms of our subconscious do the explanations reside. ~~~~~~~ MY EXHIBITION GALLERY ~~~~~~~~.

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