
  Reinvented Wheel  

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Uploaded: 07/18/15 3:28 PM GMT
Reinvented Wheel
Views: 1351
Dlds: 669
Status: active

Fractal art is always fresh and new, yet always reinvented. I guess that's why it's known as the fractal world -- wherever you wander, the hills and trees look a little different. Each inhabitant will be sleeping under a unique patchwork quilt, or -- in the fingers of the many-hued dawn -- consuming marginally deviating mushrooms.


This is my version of a flame created from this splits elliptic tutorial by Satania.

Formed and rendered in Apophysis 7X (older version). Quality 50,000, oversample 2, approximately 25-hour render at this resolution. I also increased the contrast of the Apophysis gradient before rendering, which is probably why it's so stark.

The outlines were out of whack, so I got rid of them by deleting the cylinder transforms. It looks better, and the centre of the design is clearer -- but if anyone has ideas how to include outlines in this 'wheel' form without them getting in a tangle, I'm listening...

No post-processing in Photoshop, except for plain black background and levels adjustment.


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07/18/15 6:10 PM GMT
A very beautiful design.
2∈ [?]
07/18/15 11:32 PM GMT
I have no knowledge of how these are done, but I'm a fan of fractal art, and this one is the icing on the cake. I love the luminous look of the beautiful colors, this is a fave for me. tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
07/19/15 7:13 AM GMT
Looks like a beautiful lustrous braided piece of embroidery work in stained glass colors. Very creative.

2∈ [?]

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