
  ..just hanging out  

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Uploaded: 08/28/12 5:57 AM GMT
..just hanging out
Views: 1310
Dlds: 19
Status: active

i caught these guys chilling in Odherreds Zoo late juli this year. No idea what type of frogs they are, since I didnt read their sign.. (rookie mistake!) Added a frame, just for the fun of it, not sure its a good idea..


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08/29/12 2:53 PM GMT
Great Shot Zunen - I love the way the lead frog has his front legs crossed - makes him look like a little ole man.
0∈ [?]
Life is a Constant Audition
08/29/12 2:58 PM GMT
Very nice shot Zunen! I like frogs and these are really cool. They sure do look comfortable! I think that your choice of frame is perfect for this.
0∈ [?]
Spend a few minutes each day being grateful for what you have and who you have to share it with.
08/29/12 6:03 PM GMT
The frame fits perfect - the yellow colour is a bit strong on it, but enhances the effect of the frame, drawing the eyes in and somewhat signals "danger" (could be poisonous frogs?).
The grass on the left on the other hand, bothers the eye, and I think there's a bit too much "nothing" underneath the branch.
The line with the branch entering from one corner and leads the eyes up towards the frogs works well, but again - the grass cuts that path.
All in all well done - but there's room for improvement.
0∈ [?]
I do mostly in nature shots, but like "experimental" manipulation as well. Drop by some time.

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