
  Door to Another Life  

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Uploaded: 06/25/06 11:43 PM GMT
Door to Another Life
Views: 5128
Dlds: 1532
Status: active

Sometimes… you just want to escape your life… All done in Photoshop. Comments/Questions welcome


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06/26/06 1:44 AM GMT
Very interesting! Makes me think....I especially like the brick windows in the present life...clearly time for something new and different - - Very imaginative. Wen
0∈ [?]
06/26/06 1:44 AM GMT
interesting. i like. um. you put andrew on that box >_< who.s nick!?
anyway. good luck. i like. lol. ;P first comment! w00t lol
0∈ [?]
self.promotion. leads to success. you.ll see. you.ll understand.
06/26/06 1:45 AM GMT
Outstanding entry Cat ! Who hasn't dreamt of walking out of their hundrum everyday life into a beautiful exotic world, somewhere, somewhen else ?! Beautifully done ! Best of luck in the contest !
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I'm not myself today .......maybe I'm you !! ......CLICK TO SAVE LIVES ! .......MY GALLERY
06/26/06 2:05 AM GMT
WOW... great work Cat.. I want to walk through that door.... very creative, great layout.. very well done.. good luck in the contest..

and Andrew sorry to burst your bubble hun.. your second.. lol
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MY GALLERY ........... "A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
06/26/06 2:37 AM GMT
Very well done,Cat. Don't know why, but looking out that door, reminded me of one of the islands in the West Indies. Think it had to be the softness of the colours.
0∈ [?]
06/26/06 3:18 AM GMT
I'm so impressed Cat! I love your work here. Have you ever seen the Photoshop art of Bert Monroy? He is one of my artistic idols and he does amazing things with Photoshop. Very photorealistic stuff! You can check out his work at if you're interested.

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"The promise of tomorrow is not a guarantee, so I shall live for today and live for me." -- Smoosh. Please feel free to visit my Gallery. Your feedback and critiques are always greatly appreciated.
06/26/06 12:51 AM GMT
Well if there were a couple of cute girls in bikini out that door, I would be out that door. However since there is pizza i'm not Excellent work of art.
0∈ [?]
Be true to yourself so you can be true to everyone else.
06/26/06 7:19 PM GMT
Dreamin' of a different time and place. I love the dishes in the sink and the pizza on the counter, not to mention the view from the windows. Nice idea and execution.
0∈ [?]
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne, Thassay so hard, so sharp the conquering..." Chaucer
06/27/06 2:17 AM GMT
Great way of putting things. I know the feeling of wanting to escape my life all too well. Great rendering and concept! Good luck in the contest..=)
0∈ [?]
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
06/28/06 2:31 PM GMT
Cat: this is excellent! But you CANNOT go one foot out that door till you wash those dishes, young lady! :)
Good luck in the contest! Terrific entry!
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The Voting Booth is your friend..........:)
06/29/06 9:27 AM GMT
I think it needs the south end of a north going new lifer .. somebody for us to root for, to show us the way

I've only seen brick windows on TV .. is that a New York thing? .. what does the 'For Rent' ad say for a place like this in NY ..

Ow it's a Brick ♪ ♫ House,
it's mighty tighty, just let yer laundry hang out
it's a Brick ♪ ♫ House, keep yer boxes stacked, and that's a fact,
Ain't holdin' nothin' back, ow it's a Brick ♪ ♫ House,
336, 224, 436, ow, what a roomin!

oh .. did I mention I liked it? ..
0∈ [?]
The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything = T42
06/29/06 4:00 PM GMT
lol… yes… it's a New York thing where you can look out a window and see the brick wall of another building directly across the alleyway.

personal viewpoint - I didn't include a life form in it because I wanted it to relate more immediately to the viewer being in the image rather than seeing someone else in it.

ty everyone for all your comments, and NO I'm not doing the dishes! What's the point of escaping your current life if you're gonna clean it up 1st? huh? huh? 8•p
0∈ [?]
06/29/06 8:15 PM GMT
Very creative and original idea and one which I too can relate too...especially like seeing those unwashed dishes in the sink, lol, and the brick wall view outside the window...while it may not be everyone's view it's certainly representative of a dead end feeling some have about their lives and how nice it would be to escape...great work and good luck in the contest.:Pat.
0∈ [?]
07/02/06 8:37 PM GMT
I like this one the best of your submissions in the contest. Nice, subtly surreal feeling. The details are intriguing. How exactly does pizza and unmade dishes relate to your subconscious? (lol! Not that it's any of mine business... It is more or less a rhetoric question. ^_^)
0∈ [?]
07/03/06 12:21 AM GMT
LOL. It's not me subconscious they relate to! It's my quite conscious life and my hatred of doing dishes 8•P
0∈ [?]
07/03/06 1:44 PM GMT
Hehe... I almost thought so. ;) (This side of the door represents the real life as I cunningly (not!) interpret the image. (I'm not smart enough to be that cunning...)) Hating dishes is totally normal. Or should be if it isn't. ^_^ I can totally relate.
0∈ [?]
07/07/06 12:25 AM GMT
I love this - it is pleasing to look at and it also says so much. The windows views of bricks contrasting with the freedom through the door are inspired. I think this is a dream many of us will have had in some form or another, and you have portrayed it in a way we can all understand, and identify with. Good work :)
0∈ [?]
Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadows. It's what sunflowers do - Helen Keller
07/11/06 9:27 PM GMT
always brighter on the other side :). mhmmm this is rather thought provoking, I love it!
0∈ [?]
if you could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, your life would be changed forever.
07/13/06 12:10 AM GMT
That's my open door to creativity !! Great composition!!!!
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10/09/06 7:18 PM GMT
I just stumbled across this. It cool that it's 100% photoshop, and the concept is good too.
0∈ [?]
Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. - Churchill
06/13/07 2:20 AM GMT
Just LOVE this.. please do more of these and post them!
0∈ [?]
People will soon forget what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
10/17/09 1:11 AM GMT
Great concoction...Why didn't I see this sooner? Favs...
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"I ain't afraid of no ghost..." - RAY PARKER JR. Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery

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