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Uploaded: 12/23/14 3:46 AM GMT
Views: 950
Dlds: 369
Status: active

I caught this White Pelican chasing cormarants to try and get them to drop the fish they each caught. I guess it wasn't having much luck so.....


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12/23/14 6:03 AM GMT
Beautiful shot, Garrett.

Like how you composed this one.. accentuates the action within frame. Handled the exposure of the feathers well.

Didn't know that these birds were aggressive in the manner that you've described. Always thought of them as.. kind of, sort of.. 'lumbering goofballs'.

Playful, even.

That is a formidable beak, though.. and then some.

Thanks for sharing this one with us. :o)
2∈ [?]
12/23/14 8:32 AM GMT
I love the position of the wings and the splashing water. Not only a good shot with lighting, composition, etc. but also very artistic! Love it.
2∈ [?]
12/23/14 12:38 AM GMT
Beautiful photography in every sense, Garrett! My compliments. Fantastico!
2∈ [?]
Music is what feelings sound like.
12/23/14 2:25 PM GMT
Very professional shot. Just gorgeous.
2∈ [?]
12/23/14 3:42 PM GMT
Outstanding capture Garrett - love that action and the narrative is wonderful. Love those pelicans.
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Life is a Constant Audition
12/23/14 5:39 PM GMT
Wow this is a stunner of a capture you can almost feel the force when it it the lake and your shutter setting was perfect bring out all the detail in the raising water plus the bird and the colours are superb and natural too.Great close up and thanks for sharing .
2∈ [?]
12/23/14 7:10 PM GMT
Your candidates for the calendar just keeps growing Garrett.
Another splendid action shot. You are the master of the fowl air.


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2∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
12/23/14 7:34 PM GMT
Oh my outstanding! This is nothing short of being among the best action bird captures. tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
12/25/14 3:48 PM GMT
Beautiful shot Garrett. Very good timing.
2∈ [?]
12/29/14 9:20 PM GMT
Wow, in full view the water really makes this spectacular shot look 3D, such detail and lighting, your photography should be put in a natures magazine. Right into my favs
2∈ [?]
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