
  A Butterfly  

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Uploaded: 07/31/06 4:37 AM GMT
A Butterfly
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A green butterfly


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07/31/06 10:18 AM GMT
Very sharp shot! Must have been hard to spot, he blends in so well. I'd try toning down the white spots to the left, only because they distract from your main subject. Nice full color on the greens and browns.
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We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.
07/31/06 12:22 AM GMT
Perfectly amazing shot Jon. If the butterfly didn't have the brown in its wings, he would have blended right in perfectly. Looks like the brick or wall on the left is very shiny (like alexis said). Might want to done it down a bit -- which I have a hard time doing :) Thanks for sharing this beauty. Anita
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Age is a state of mind :) And now that I'm 60, my mind is really in a state :)
07/31/06 5:14 PM GMT
this is so pretty! i love the colors in this, the greens are so pretty and the brown works so well. i love how he is off to the left, but like the first 2 comments, the stuff on the left is a tiny bit too bright. but this shot is still really truly beautiful. great work! ~abby
0∈ [?]
08/01/06 12:16 AM GMT
Never seen a green butterfly before. This is a very pretty pic. Nice Job.
0∈ [?]
"Art comes to you proposing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality to your moments as they pass." Walter Pater
08/04/06 9:35 PM GMT
WOW. I've never seen such a butterfly! That just looks so cool :) Thanks for posting!
0∈ [?]
08/05/06 6:02 AM GMT
This is absolutely stunning! Great capture!
0∈ [?]
08/06/06 5:41 PM GMT
A great green butterfly.
0∈ [?]
08/18/06 10:56 PM GMT
hey if you dont mind i was wondering is it really green or is its wings transparent.It is a really nice picture.
0∈ [?]
05/11/07 3:19 AM GMT
wow thats amazing. r those the true colors? what a great camouflage if it is! do you know what kind of butterfly that is? AWESOME SHOT!!!!!!
0∈ [?]
"Too weird to live...too rare to die."

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