
  The Lion's Den  

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Uploaded: 03/12/10 11:08 PM GMT
The Lion's Den
Views: 1285
Dlds: 114
Status: active

Well it seems to be a trend so here's mine. :) This is where I sit most everyday for a bit. Sorry for the camera flare.......I just scooted back in my chair and took a shot. lol Don't know where to put this so it's in community.......if that's wrong......sue me. :) Take care my friends. J....... p.s.......if you think it's not're right.......but you should see the desk behind me that I spin around to and look at in total confusion ??? :)


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03/12/10 11:20 PM GMT
Another nice tidy desktop..Putting me to shame
0∈ [?]
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak
03/12/10 11:35 PM GMT
Super fun idea!! I did see Ms. Bloo's the other day...I may have to give that a go!! Kind of a "my space place theme"!!
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Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round??
03/12/10 11:50 PM GMT
Pretty tidy den for a cowardly lion John. Oops, I see you have some courage now judging from the avie. You work area look much better then mine and I am not lion.


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Hopefully my photos and stories will let you know what makes me Tick
03/13/10 12:26 AM GMT
Great set up John! I like that picture above your monitor. And you're mess here! Just don't take a shot of whats behind you...hehe
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03/13/10 1:33 AM GMT
Wow what a tidy desk!! Gosh I am afraid to post mine now lol:))
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every day is a gift......that's why it's called the present!!
03/13/10 3:05 AM GMT
Dang, everybody's work stations are so neat. Then, there's mine.............
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03/13/10 4:31 AM GMT
Not quite what I expected from a lion...But you are no ordinary lion! (LOL) Thanks for sharing...
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"I'm a a problem with that? Then take it up with the primary educator(s)!" - Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
03/13/10 7:42 AM GMT
I can see Firefox...I can see Elements 2 ... I can into a folder there! ..... Whooooaaa!! ... there's some risque stuff in there mate!.... And.........I can see that yer too damn tidy too!....You use the tail for a brush then?.......lmao
0∈ [?]
* Owing to the deterioration in my hands, I find that I cannot comment as much as I should..But please know...I do look at all your posts!..and will leave my 'moniker' >OB< when I do so!...Thank you all * OwdBob'sGallery
03/13/10 2:27 PM GMT
Fine setup. Love the killer whale pic on the wall!

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“Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you” - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
03/13/10 3:10 PM GMT
Nice to see where you spend some of your time, My desk is more cluttered than that! :) ♪ ♫ :)Sandi♪ =^..^=
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
03/13/10 7:58 PM GMT
Wow.So Nice working station,John..Like that cool picture.
0∈ [?]
03/13/10 9:35 PM GMT
John ... seeing your well organized work space gives me incentive to clean mine up. The last time I organized mine was 6 months ago. Nice capture John ... I like the wall hanging of the Orca Whale.
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"I Love Lab's!"
03/13/10 11:04 PM GMT
So this is where my Bud creates!!!
0∈ [?]
03/13/10 11:08 PM GMT
I like the picture on the wall and your work place looks so tidy, I wish mine was too :-). Nice to see where you create all your wonderful images, thank´s for sharing!
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03/14/10 12:33 AM GMT
Cool DT on your screen but really love that picture behind it. This is a great working place.
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03/14/10 3:14 AM GMT
Well, I tell ya! Talk about neat and tidy and perfect. Did yoiu spend hours first cleaning it up before ya took the photo?!!
Well, some of 'us' are just such artists that we MUST keep up our image and have a ton of stuff!!(that's me probably!lol) I do like the giant underwater poster tho! and those are some kewl speakers!!
And what is hiding beneath that pretty silken scarf??!!Uhmmmm whats behind you then?? THAT is what we need to see methinx!!!!!
But I like the trend, that of others posting their work stations, or puter area or whatever thingie they might be called. I like this, but just toooo neat for me!! So I'm glad it's yours! heehee...Verena
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Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy night! (Bette Davis)
03/14/10 4:37 PM GMT
The tidiest Lion's Den I've seen yet ... you men are all the same, just too neat and tidy. I only posted mine to get the prize for the messiest one, and even lost out on that so I'm told.

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03/14/10 10:36 PM GMT
Your desktop is a busy one for sure.Mine would be but I created a folder for the shortcuts I don`t use quite as often.A cool spot you got there..
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03/15/10 10:27 PM GMT
very good Mr Lion - that's a smart den you have there!
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..thanking you in advance for your comments. Please know that all your comments are appreciated....." Live well, love much, laugh often!" .... mygallery
03/16/10 1:46 AM GMT
Cool set and yes... very tidy! I'm surprised not to see any lion's about your desk :) Thanks for sharing John!
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*Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams*
03/16/10 8:50 PM GMT
LOL. I moved all the clutter aside just for the picture of my's back now. Nice set up and a very interesting work space. I like that picture of the whales, and your DT image, too. Thanks for sharing, John.
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