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Uploaded: 05/10/08 7:01 PM GMT
Views: 1261
Dlds: 16
Status: active

Just a plant picked up and left on the ground.


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05/13/08 2:39 PM GMT
perhaps you might consider getting really really close to the plant. it's small and gets lost in background.
0∈ [?]
sorry if i don't comment on each of your pictures. to those of you who comment so often, i can't imagine how you get it done! Please Visit My Gallery
05/14/08 12:54 AM GMT
jeenie's right, but I see what you were going for and it has a certain appeal. It's definitely clear and the colors are stark, but impactful.

0∈ [?]
We don’t make art to show someone what something looks like. All this requires is eyes (or a lens). Art is supposed to have meaning, emotion, power, or magic. Alan & Mario "FourThirds"

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