
  Red Mountain  

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Uploaded: 04/15/05 1:12 PM GMT
Red Mountain
Views: 6310
Dlds: 1905
Status: active

An acrylic watercolor painting I did of a winter scene that impressed me with its deep blue color. I hope you enjoy.


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04/15/05 1:33 PM GMT
g'day Nathan, well done...
0∈ [?]
Some people's kids...
04/15/05 1:40 PM GMT
Water painting too! Oh my! I can't draw a stick man if my life depended on it. Good thing I have an eye and a camera, lmbo!
Beautiful work. I see that is where your daughter gets her talent!
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I'm walking on sunshine! AcrossTheWorld
04/15/05 1:46 PM GMT
WOW you paint too..... your very talented Mr Smith...... great lighting, shading, colours... blends great with your border.... very well done
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
04/15/05 1:48 PM GMT
Marvellous work and well done,Nathan.
0∈ [?]
Carpe diem....
04/15/05 2:02 PM GMT
Well another hidden facet of Nathan, I wonder how many more you have?? Every time it is stunning, continue to suprise us, it is very suiting to the eyes... :0))!
0∈ [?]
04/15/05 2:16 PM GMT
This is a watercolor??? Incredable... Talent runs deep in this family.
0∈ [?]
04/15/05 3:20 PM GMT
*sigh* Boy do I feel outclassed I can barely type, I constantly look through the wrong end of my camera, I can't even draw (not even water out of a tap). Very nice Nathan
0∈ [?]
Capturing for infinity that which only lasts for a short time.
04/15/05 3:45 PM GMT
I had no idea of the artistic variety, of talent, that you posses. You are truly a wonder. Photography, design and now painting. Along with all of this talent you are also a left and right brained person. The left side of the brain is the logical side. From the position that you hold, your left side MUST be strong, The right side is what we usually see. I am truly in the company of a great one.How does this work? Do you have a little switch built into the top of your head? When you want to become creative you reach up and switch to the right side and when a logic question is in need of an answer do you then switch it to left side?
It was just yesterday that I had a chance to download your frames. They are wonderful. I will look at them in a few days and get back to you. Whatever mode that you are in it is a 10 from me
0∈ [?]
Annie and I invite you to visit our website. Photography is not a trade - it is an art. It is more that an art. It is a solar phenomenon, where the artist collaborates with the sun. deLamartine 1855
04/15/05 5:24 PM GMT
You are very talented, Nathan..!! Great painting...and presentation !
0∈ [?]
04/15/05 8:30 PM GMT
Hey! Is this the same guy from Fractal Mountain? He is, huh? Well than, no wonder it's a top job.

0∈ [?]
04/16/05 8:47 AM GMT
I am enjoying your framing work ... and this, from one who usually objects to frames (black border crop jobs that just take and don't give back)

but .... were you REALLY sitting there painting? ... in the cold? ... as 'fotobob' suggested, there must be a switch on top of your head ... that switches from LOGICAL to CREATIVE ... because a logical man would say ... "ouch! .. it's cold"

and then proceed to photograph it and paint in front of the fire .. at home
0∈ [?]
---Work like you don't need money, ---Love like you've never been hurt, ---And dance like no one's watching
04/16/05 8:36 PM GMT
Hi Nathan, wonderfully done, and yes, I agree with Fotobob, I am sure you have the propensity to shift from left to right side of brain, which ever is needed at the time electronically (a play on words)! You are very talented and as I have said before, isn't it too bad we can't share our gifts osmotically with everyone! Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
04/19/05 2:00 AM GMT
Thank you - all of you. You've been so kind with your comments. The switch on the top of my head - that's a good idea. I wish I had one. Most of the time the two halves compete with each other. I envy people like my daughter, Rachael, who seem to effortlessly switch to the right side so completely. Maybe someday.
0∈ [?]
04/19/05 1:06 PM GMT
wow i thought it was a photo in the thumbnail!!very nice painting, you are very talented!!
0∈ [?]
"Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side, and holds the world together."
04/20/05 2:08 AM GMT
wow! great image Nathan, I didnt know that you yourself did paintings as well! Never ceases to amaze me. Great talents up in that head, youre an inspiration in art, amazing painting Nathan, well done, well done.
0∈ [?]
'-"I see", said the blind man to the deaf mute.' My recent gallery....... Newest Image-» Spinning darkness.
04/20/05 3:24 AM GMT
Show off ;) Nice job. Love the border job too.
0∈ [?]
-=Pride is not a sin=-
04/20/05 3:54 AM GMT
Nathan, Wow!!! Another great piece of work. You are a true artist... :) The Red Mountain went into my favorites. Its great!!! High votes from me... :))
0∈ [?]
04/21/05 11:49 PM GMT
Now I know where Racheal gets it from..
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*~Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen~*
05/05/05 9:06 AM GMT
Completely imaculate. i wouldnt have known it wasnt a photo if you hadnt said. very nice.
good work. :)
0∈ [?]
please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
06/15/05 3:47 AM GMT
You said, "hope you enjoy". Very very much, thanks for sharing Nathan. Cheers Al.
0∈ [?]
The beer urges me on, the bewitching beer, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken. Homer, The Odyssey (note: beer substituted for wine)
06/15/05 1:17 PM GMT
Thank you!
0∈ [?]
03/31/06 3:01 PM GMT
Great work! High marks from me!
0∈ [?]
09/30/06 11:37 PM GMT
Nice drawing. Weak border. You should stick to allowing the painting speak for itself with a discreet signature in the corner.
0∈ [?]

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