
  This Hearts For You2  

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Uploaded: 06/01/05 5:19 AM GMT
This Hearts For You2
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Status: active

This unusual shaped clover was found growing in the blast zone of Mt. St. Helens about 20 years after the blast. Life is slowly returning to the area and so are the animals. Even this animal. I was about 4 miles out of the zone when it all happened. The sound of the blast was heard as far away as Spokane Washington but I never heard it. The scientists say that it was moving so quickly that it passed right along the ridge tops and anyone in the valleys probably never heard it. The first thing that happened to alert me that something drastic had happened was it started raining rocks and tree branches. Then the sky went black with lightning the color of which I have never seen before. It was blood red. I wasn't really sure, at the time, that the world wasn't ending. The temperature rose to about 100 degrees F (38 C) and then the ash started to fall. I was stranded there for 3 and one half days until the National Guard rescued us. What an experience. It took me 10 years to even want to go anywhere near the Mt. When I did I was absolutly amazed at the devastation.


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06/01/05 5:28 AM GMT
Wow - what a story to go along with a beautiful photo. I love the heart shape - very unique! Such vivid colors against the black background. Very pretty shot!
0∈ [?]
Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln
06/01/05 6:34 AM GMT
Yup, I remember it well also! It was a lovely Spring day, sun was shining...I remember the guy next door was mowing his grass..smelled good..then one of the neighbors said" Mt StHelens just blew" so we drove so we could see the ash. Of course I live in Portland, OR but wow the sky got immeidately dark and red and gray...and the plume of it was seen very clearly..then the winds shifted and we were all wearing surgeons masks due to the fact it was literaly SNOWING ASH!!! if you breathed it in, it owuld never leave your lungs they said..I still have the newspapers from that day! Its wonderful you took a pic of that clover...very very lovely and very fitting to your being able to go into that area..That was a CLOSE call for you for sure Michael...proud of you that you were able to go. I went near there a couple years ago and got some awesome pictures on a cloudy but sunny day of the mountain...but I used my Canon, so am not sure how good they will look here. But my Photoshop will be here is a gorgeous photo!!!
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We don't skip thru life...we trudge!!!!
06/01/05 2:55 PM GMT
An exciting story and amazing colors in this photo...thank you for sharing this...favs and 10.:Pat.
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Join me and Let's Talk.
06/01/05 9:58 PM GMT
I KNEW you were famous ... I just knew it

did they give you a t-shirt? ... "i was rescued by the national guard .. your tax dollars at work"

my biggest claim to fame was I used to live in hawaii when they were still doing A-Bomb tests in the pacific ocean ... the sky turned blood red ... of course, this was told to me since I was, like, 2 or 3 at the time.
0∈ [?]
---Work like you don't need money, ---Love like you've never been hurt, ---And dance like no one's watching
06/01/05 10:12 PM GMT
I was up there about a week before it blew, attending a wedding. I was amazed just watching the coverage on television. I don't envy you your experience. Beautiful photo, by the way.
0∈ [?]
06/02/05 12:13 AM GMT
I was n San Francisco when it blew.. Some of the ash made it that far south.. The sky was darker than normal for days.. I have watched the recovery of the mountain in documentarys over the years and am still surprised at how fast things grew back.... Thanks so much for sharing your story and your wonderful photo..
0∈ [?]
06/02/05 2:28 AM GMT
In today's images you've given us both large vistas and small treasures. I really think you need to look into a published, collected works. Preferably large format with pull outs ready for framing.
0∈ [?]
06/03/05 2:09 PM GMT
So glad you are here to tell us about this!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
06/05/05 4:52 AM GMT
This is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing the whole story!
0∈ [?]
Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world. --Voltaire
06/06/05 4:24 AM GMT
Amazing story Michael along with another amazing image. I cannot even imagine what it must have been like for you & others anywhere near the 'zone'. Being in a hurricane was enough for me!!! You have the captured the very heart of your love for photography in a heart shaped clover. Plus you shot this is an area where you nearly lost your life. All of this is very appropriate. I am glad the vegetation & flora are coming back to the area. That is always good to hear. Glad you are back too my friend. This is my new desktop btw!!! :~)
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~ Mimi~
06/08/05 1:56 AM GMT
Coming to view this flower is like ordering a Big Mac, opening up the box and finding a Filet Minion (without the bacon I don’t do bacon). Michael the picture is crisp, clear, vivid, and unique. Your testimony about how this catastrophic event affected your life is just as crisp, clear, vivid, and unique. I saw it on TV and watched a Documentary on it a few years ago but your story made it all the more real. Thanks for sharing.
0∈ [?]
Capturing for infinity that which only lasts for a short time.
06/09/05 1:57 AM GMT
Another absolutely stunning photo from you! Good job and great story. Thanks!
0∈ [?]
10/29/05 7:45 AM GMT
Just goes to show life always finds a way. I have always found it ironic that the ash from volcanoes allows plants to grow healthier and faster by providing fertile soil, but will also likely destroy everything that it has nurtured some day. Ah, the cycle of life etc etc... Anyway, I immediately thought of a heart when I saw this, and the story that goes with it makes it even more interesting. Fabulous quality as always and very well framed.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion- Visit the new improved
11/28/05 11:20 PM GMT love seems to find and touch the right person at the right time! This shot is incredible! A+!
0∈ [?]
10/23/06 9:09 PM GMT
What a tale you have to tell of that experience! I think this is God's gift back. Beautiful shot!
0∈ [?]
All of earth is crammed with heaven And every bush aflame with God But only those who see take off their shoes. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning<p> mygallery

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