
  Nik's Legend  

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Uploaded: 10/25/17 8:47 PM GMT
Nik's Legend
Views: 1243
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Status: active

Nik left a comment on my Carpe Noctem artwork the other day that made me smile and put this image in my head. lol. :)


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10/25/17 9:02 PM GMT
Yea! With Bob's help (Thank you, Bob!), I fixed the link. :D
0∈ [?]
10/25/17 10:56 PM GMT
SUSIE!!!!!!! [oD 8o) [oD 8o) [oD 8o) [oD 8o) [oD 8o) [oD 8o) [oD 8o)

7∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
10/25/17 10:57 PM GMT
Did you remember to change the "at" symbols to lower case a's?

5∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
10/25/17 11:24 PM GMT
Lol! very clever, now to finish the story, I see the cat sitting on the dog's back with a leash and collar as a followup. :) click here to see the one she is trying to link. In no way do I condone any kind of cruelty either, but this is done in fun, and really cute.
7∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
10/26/17 7:38 AM GMT
Very funny and well made Lisa. I like the witch's hat the dog ts wearing. The melon looks like a ticking bomb. Don't let the dog go to any crowded places!!
7∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
10/26/17 9:17 AM GMT
The dog looks to be enjoying itself anyhow!

A great piece of work!
8∈ [?]
10/26/17 4:33 PM GMT
Nik: The image is kind of rough (ruff?). I stayed up late over a couple of nights to throw it together quickly. Smiles ... The image of the dog sitting on the cat was just too good to pass up! lol

And yes, I did change the "@"s to "a"s. But obviously, I was still missing or misunderstanding some basic bit in my link script. Coding never was my thing.
7∈ [?]
10/26/17 4:43 PM GMT
Sandi: An extra special, warm and wonderful, huge thank you to Sandi for her super sweet, superhero action in stepping up to post a functioning link for me in place of my broken one! THANK YOU!!
6∈ [?]
10/26/17 4:58 PM GMT
Raj: lol ... It's just a trick or treat beggars' night bag. I "decorated" it with the jack-o-lantern from my Carpe Noctem artwork ... which is where this all started.

No bomb. (Sigh ... Sign of the times?)

Besides, I have always thought of jack-o-lanterns rather as talismans of a sort. Temporary gargoyles. Protective menacing, scary looking things that are meant to drive away evil spirits and keep them out. Good mojo guard dogs! :)
0∈ [?]
10/26/17 5:02 PM GMT
Thank you, Bob! For your kind words and assistance in repairing my link. Much appreciated, on both counts!!
0∈ [?]
10/26/17 8:24 PM GMT
Some folks believe the original "jack" o' lanterns probably didn't have a face, most likely used simply for illumination on dark nights. However, the Irish brought the tradition of carving pumpkins into Jack O'Lanterns to America but, the original Jack O'Lantern was not even a pumpkin; pumpkins did not exist in Ireland. Ancient Celtic cultures in Ireland carved turnips on All Hallow's Eve, and placed an ember in them, to ward off evil spirits. Jack O'Lantern legend goes back hundreds of years in Irish History, and many of the stories center around "Stingy Jack".

Stingy Jack was a miserable, old drunk who took pleasure in playing tricks on just about everyone: family, friends, his mother, and even the Devil himself (remember: this is a legend). One day, he tricked the Devil into climbing up an apple tree. After the Devil had climbed the tree, Stingy Jack hurriedly placed crosses around the trunk of the tree. Unable to touch a cross, the Devil was stuck in the tree. Stingy Jack made the Devil promise him not to take his soul when he died, and once the devil promised not to take his soul, Stingy Jack removed the crosses and the Devil climbed down from the tree. Many years later, Jack died, went to the pearly gates of Heaven, and was told by Saint Peter that he was mean and cruel and had led a miserable, worthless life on earth, so Jack was not allowed to enter heaven. He then went down to Hell and the Devil, but the Devil kept his promise and would not allow him to enter Hell. Now scared, Jack had nowhere to go, but to wander about forever in the dark Netherworld between heaven and hell. He asked the Devil how he could leave, as there was no light. The Devil tossed him an ember from the flames of Hell, to help Stingy Jack light his way. Jack happened to have a Turnip with him, one of his favorite foods that he always carried with him. Jack hollowed out the Turnip, and placed the ember the Devil had given him, inside. From that day onward, Stingy Jack roamed the earth without a resting place, lighting his way as he went with his "Jack O'Lantern". Why he shows up on Hallowe'en ("Hallowed Evening", hence the proper use of the apostrophe) is most likely a tradition added to the holiday, a mostly (except for the Irish) American tradition.

As for the Legend of "Border Collies Who Sit On Cats", that one is my own. [oD

12∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
10/26/17 9:38 PM GMT
Postcard perfect! Happy Halloween!
7∈ [?]
"Put up...or SHUT UP!" Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
10/26/17 10:40 PM GMT
Excellent work Lisa!!!
7∈ [?]
Life's moments are sweet. I just want to capture all that I can of them.
10/27/17 2:30 AM GMT
Looks all good to me fave and save.

7∈ [?]
The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
10/27/17 7:27 AM GMT
"Nik's Legend"... hmmmm... sounds like a holiday fairy tale: [oD "It's Hallowe'en once again, kiddoes, when the Great Border Collie rises up out of his (or her--depending on your personal preference) cat (bird) seat in the pumpkin patch, and flies through the air with a frisbee in his (again, or her) teeth, filled with chocolate-covered Milk Bone biscuits for all the good children who fetch the paper for mom, slippers for dad, and poo only in the front yard of Mr. Monzelowsky, the neighborhood schmuck who bitches about everybody, especially his widowed neighbor, Joyce, when more than four leaves from her trees land on his grass (the guy is SUCH a putz, but I digress). May the treats rise up to meet you, the tricks be always at your back, may those who love us, love us, and may those that don't be bitten in the leg by a Border Collie so we'll know them by their limpin'"."

(as always) Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again (sung to the tune of "Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again)

10∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
11/02/17 10:26 AM GMT
LOL i read Niks still laughing on this one. a hard core dog lover myself.
7∈ [?]
What happens when you get scared half to death twice?
11/11/17 3:10 PM GMT
Sorry I am late in commenting. A well put together post, just right for both a animal lover and a holiday enthusiast.
You did some excellent work constructing this delightful piece.
8∈ [?]
11/12/17 3:16 AM GMT
Thank you, Allie! I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
0∈ [?]
11/25/17 9:34 PM GMT
While this may be accurate, I picture Nik as more majestic. Nose in the air, sniffing for adventure, tongue drooling with anticipation of discovering some- thing long buried and yummy. Scenic that is.
7∈ [?]
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.
11/28/17 10:47 PM GMT
Laughs ... wait, still laughing ...

Russ, I'm not sure that I ever pictured Nik (Nikoneer) with his nose in the air, sniffing for adventure, tongue drooling with anticipation ...

Then again, he IS a pretty passionate photographer, artist, and historian. So ... it's possible!

5∈ [?]
11/29/17 3:16 AM GMT
Well, I do have a passion for photography, second only to my candy making. Y'know? All those tootsie rolls I leave in my owner's back yard?

5∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
11/29/17 5:19 AM GMT
"Long buried?"
[How the hell did I manage to get married? I wonder if my wife has figured out all this stuff about me?] Oy!!

5∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
11/29/17 9:22 AM GMT
I'm guessing your wife found (finds) you ... fetching, Nik!

7∈ [?]

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