
  P-51 sunset  

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Uploaded: 08/28/08 3:16 PM GMT
P-51 sunset
Views: 3706
Dlds: 1190
Status: active

A gathering of mustangs put to rest for the night.


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08/28/08 5:41 PM GMT
WOW Ed, The colours are fabulous and this has such great detail and contrast, the sky is amazing, wow. My brother would love this one.
0∈ [?]
08/28/08 6:33 PM GMT
nice subject and very good details and contrast, colors also ;o)
0∈ [?]
Take Nothing But Pictures - Leave Nothing but Footprints - Kill Nothing But Time                    © Patrick Di Fruscia
08/28/08 7:14 PM GMT
Good shot .
0∈ [?]
08/28/08 9:17 PM GMT
Wow..Fantastic colors and details..Fine capture.
0∈ [?]
08/28/08 11:37 PM GMT
Smashin' imagery T-dude!! Killer kool!!
0∈ [?]
Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round??
08/29/08 2:36 AM GMT
fine composition and perspective. Good work!!
0∈ [?]
08/31/08 8:54 AM GMT
Excellent work!
0∈ [?]
Where we have come from has absolutely no bearing upon where we are capable of going.
09/01/08 12:14 AM GMT
Bwautiful light and great composition. Very nice work!
0∈ [?]
09/01/08 5:38 PM GMT
Realy nice shot of some classic of the war birds,very cool shot. More would have been better
0∈ [?]
Just a photographer no artist, I capture what I see :)
09/02/08 8:15 PM GMT
Truely the greatest american plane of WW2 and a fantastic shot, thank u for sharing.

I'd like to see a B-17 or Spitfire. Ive been in the B-17 used in the Memphis Belle "Sally B" was awesome!
0∈ [?]
The world is full of idiots..... you get to meet the smartest one!
11/13/08 9:40 PM GMT
Yet another 10/10 from me, great shot Ted.
0∈ [?]
No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
12/29/08 2:10 AM GMT
Hi Ted I saw this on Caedes homepage
I echo the ^ Plimuff nuttas ^ comment above TEN
Put on a Hurricane, or Spitfire, & your get an ELEVEN .. Lol
0∈ [?]
If you have a garden please feed the birds this winter, & supply drinking water not ice, it's so important. . . . Help dwindling bird numbers survive.
01/14/09 8:21 AM GMT
I'm a huge WWII aviation buff- the Mustangs are one of my faves- awesome capture.
0∈ [?]
I could have been a lot of things- I became the most important things- a husband and a father.
01/18/09 3:35 PM GMT
This is one great photograph!
0∈ [?]
02/09/09 1:05 AM GMT
Hello Ted....The angle of the shot is just superb....I like the way the props are silhouetted against that gorgeous backdrop of orange and yellow....This picture is indeed a pleasure to view....Well done Ted....All the best to you....Mick.
0∈ [?]
08/17/09 1:49 PM GMT
This is an AMAZING shot! You have quite an eye for aircraft at their best!
0∈ [?]
You dont need to be able to out run a bear. Just make sure you can out run your friends! Take a look
10/06/09 12:51 AM GMT
I can't say anything but Bravo! Very well done mate!
0∈ [?]
09/08/10 3:39 AM GMT
Great photograph. Thanks for sharing and stuff.

0∈ [?]
You are only given one life make the most of it for God and others around you.

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