
  For Montydon(Jacko)While he is Hospitalized.  

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Uploaded: 05/15/10 12:10 AM GMT
For Montydon(Jacko)While he is Hospitalized.
Views: 2395
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Status: active

This photo is for my (new)dear friend who hasn't been in caedes very long, his name is montydon(or people call him Jacko).But his real name is Monty. He enjoys my poetry and is loving to learn photography. He lives in the Isle of Mann and this morning I received a note from his father that Monty(Jacko) had a massive coronary. He is in intensive care of course. But somehow he was able to let his Dad know to let me know. I know he is a strong man, a kind man who has been enjoying posting his photos here in caedes. With determination and strength he will come thru this alright. But I wanted to let all of you know, so that when he returns he will see what good friends are here.I am not sure how much his father will be in touch with me, due to the need for them to be around Monty and help him get thru this. Please keep him and his family in your strongest thoughts and prayers.


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05/15/10 12:23 AM GMT
Verena - This is a beautiful garden photo. Excellent work! Jacko will appreciate it. I join you with wishes to him for a full recovery. Thad
0∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
05/15/10 12:26 AM GMT
Beautiful picture V and may I also add my best wishes for a speedy recovery to Jacko. ~~ John
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 12:29 AM GMT
I am sorry to hear about MontyDon,i hope he will recover soon.It is a really lovely flowers photo,the colors are pleasant,Verena,nice frame.
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 12:30 AM GMT
Fabulous design and very thoughtful gesture, Verena. All my best wishes go out to Jacko for a full and speedy recovery.
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"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?" THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT
05/15/10 1:34 AM GMT
Great presentation, Bloo...All the best to Jacko...
0∈ [?]
"It goes on and on and's Heaven and Hell..." - BLACK SABBATH Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
05/15/10 2:12 AM GMT
Really a nice post and we all hope Jacko recovers quickly and fully Verena. Here is a link to his site.
Our prayers are with him.


0∈ [?]
Hopefully my photos and stories will let you know what makes me Tick
05/15/10 2:31 AM GMT
That's a gorgeous foofy composition, Verena. All my best to your friend Jacko.
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 2:32 AM GMT
What a lovely capture and a great sentiment Miss V. Hope all is well and thanks for the beautiful post.
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Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. - Ansel Adams....... My Gallery
05/15/10 2:40 AM GMT
Fabulous post Verena! Gorgeous garden !!
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 2:52 AM GMT
A gorgeous capture Verena and I'm so sorry to hear about Monty. I certainly will pray for him!
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 3:18 AM GMT
Will do Verena. Will be praying for his swift recovery.
0∈ [?]
Use your imagination when photographing, that's when you know your subject is in focus.
05/15/10 3:47 AM GMT
Hey Verena!
The best thing to keep in mind here is that he is alive! Most people do not live through that so I'm sure he is a strong guy! Nice kind image for him here with the flowers Prayers are a given!
0∈ [?]
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car"
05/15/10 4:01 AM GMT
Lovely presentation of very beautiful flowers! and very
sad to hear about Monty,my prayers with him!!
Nice work Verena.
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 7:14 AM GMT
Nice one for Jacko!...My thoughts go out to him and his family!...He has some good pictures in his gallery!...
0∈ [?]
* Owing to the deterioration in my hands, I find that I cannot comment as much as I should..But please know...I do look at all your posts!..and will leave my 'moniker' >OB< when I do so!...Thank you all * OwdBob'sGallery
05/15/10 7:34 AM GMT
Just to let everyone know, I am sending him these kind comments via email. And even tho he may not get them for a while, he will get them eventually and will see what good people there are here in caedes. Thank you all so much. I know it will mean very much to him. Verena
0∈ [?]
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
05/15/10 8:15 AM GMT
Nice shot and good gift for Jacho. Hope he will be well soon.
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Be free - use Linux
05/15/10 10:01 AM GMT
Gorgeous Miss V!!!
0∈ [?]
every day is a gift......that's why it's called the present!!
05/15/10 1:57 PM GMT
Beautiful shot Verena and all thoughts are with Jacko - he has posted some wonderful shots.
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 5:45 PM GMT
A Gorgeous photo, Beautiful flowers..All my best to Jacko.
0∈ [?]
05/15/10 10:38 PM GMT
Fantastic image and gesture.Hope Jacko feel better now.
0∈ [?]
05/16/10 1:57 AM GMT
Nothing can be better than this. A very thoughtful shot. Hope all the best for Jacko and a speedy recovery. Thanks! Verena for sharing.
0∈ [?]
05/16/10 5:25 PM GMT
My prayers for Jacko for his speedy recovery. He is a strong man and will survive. Good gesture from you Verena, Lovely dedication.
0∈ [?]
If "Ignorance is bliss", why should we seek knowledge?
05/17/10 3:43 AM GMT
A beautiful image, Verena. My thoughts and prayers are with Jacko for a full and quick recovery. Take care.

0∈ [?]
Enjoy nature, Take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints
05/17/10 5:32 PM GMT
I hope that Monty is well soon, and Verna, this is a lovely photo and gesture.
0∈ [?]
Life is a Constant Audition
05/17/10 10:47 PM GMT
Such a gorgeous posting for you dear frined Verena. So Beautiful
0∈ [?]
Happy May Everyone
05/18/10 11:28 PM GMT
Very very nice work Verena..beautiful capture
0∈ [?]
05/19/10 1:33 AM GMT
Very nice post production. Lovely flowers.
0∈ [?]
"Tis the sunset of life gives me mystical lore, And coming events cast their shadows before."
05/20/10 5:04 PM GMT
Just to let everyone know...I haven't heard anything from his son as yet. So I'm not sure what's happening. But I know they will let me know one day. Thanx for all your wonderful good wishes my friends. Verena
0∈ [?]
Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours.
05/25/10 2:00 PM GMT
Hope Monty feels better soon .... Beautiful flowers Ms V ...
0∈ [?]
07/05/10 6:26 PM GMT
The composition is perfect! Congrats Verena :-)
0∈ [?]
07/07/10 2:38 AM GMT
Unfortunately I have never heard from Monty(Jacko) again. Someone closed up his gallery. So I am not sure what happened. But thank you all for your kind comments. And for adding this to the permanent gallery. Verena
0∈ [?]
Q: Why did the blonde get so excited after she finished her jigsaw puzzle in only 6 months? A: Because on the box it said From 2-4 years. Q: How do you confuse a blonde? A: Ask her to alphabetize a bag of M&Ms. Q: Why are dumb blonde jokes so short? A: So brunettes can remember them.

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