
Welcome to Caedes, the Desktop Wallpaper and Artist Community

Caedes is a close community of artists, designers, and photographers who share their work through the medium of computer desktop wallpaper. Feel free to browse the galleries, comment on other's work, and even submit your own art when you're ready. Sign up for a free username to access all features.

Featured Images

Lightnings by vladstudio Transitions by incommon Mix Lake in Snow by fotobob
Mix Lake in Snow
Landscape IV by NumberSix College Fjord Glacie... by luckyshot ETERNAL DANCER by nuke88
Landscape IV
College Fjord Glacie...
Beauty Within by xyccoc yellow frog by falki Double Lake by Nicky
Beauty Within
yellow frog
Double Lake
Broken Beauty by deathmasta Autumnal by biffobear Nightmare Fuel by ChopinLives81
Broken Beauty
Nightmare Fuel
Happy New Year. by trisbert Together We Stand by photoimagery Fire Moon by bfrank
Happy New Year.
Together We Stand
Fire Moon
85 regular members - 206267 total images - 5 new images today

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