
Artist Spotlight # 47

Submitted by mimi 01/21/10 5:21 AM GMT

We are kicking off the year Twenty Ten with an artist who does "mysterious" things and makes very pretty images. I am referring to the world of fractals. Please greet your next artist to be spotlighted...tealeaves known around this town as Lori! Take some time to investigate her fractals in the colorful gallery she maintains as well as read her biography below!


I must say, that upon receipt of Mimi's PM indicating that I had been chosen for AOTM, it had taken me quite by surprise. I am deeply touched by this gesture and want to thank all those who felt I was worthy of such an honor. Because, a true honor it is!

As most of you know, my name is Lori. I am 46 years old, and I have lived in the City of Chicago my entire life. I was employed by a nationwide insurance company for over 27 years, as a Senior Case Manager, adjusting complex Workman Compensation claims. I say "was", because unfortunately, I lost my job in early 2009. However, I left with a good severance package and have been coping with the adjustment fairly well.

I feel that my love for the arts and creativity, is owed to my Mother. She is a very talented woman. Early memories of my childhood, growing up with my three younger brothers, she was the one who opened the door to the world of crafts to us. This involved hand crafts, painting, needlework, baking, writing and drawing, amongst others. We loved all of it! Still to this day, my brothers and I, all have an interest in arts, in one form or another. My other passions include music of most all genres, international cuisines, cooking, baking, some antiques, and repairing and troubleshooting computers.

Like most of you, I came across while looking for quality desktop wallpapers to grace my monitor, and I just kept coming back. Mostly a "lurker" and an occasional commenter in the beginning of my membership. I finally got up enough nerve to submit my first photograph in 2006, and was pleasantly surprised by the encouraging comments and warm welcomes I had received. The camera I was using at the time was my first digital camera; Olympus C-4000 Zoom. I posted several more photographs. But, it did not take long for me to discover my interest and love for the fractals and computer graphics on the site. I had learned about Tierazon from Doug (snapshooter87), and Apophysis from John (jswgpb). Both, free fractal generators, and for the most part, the programs that were currently being used by fractal artists. So, I delved into the world of fractals! Quite difficult at first, but everyone learns through trial and error, whether it is their forte. John was a great help to me during this period of time. Especially involving the settings and the main workings of the program. The comments on my first fractals were very encouraging as well, so I continued to submit them, leaving my camera on the sidelines. I have since obtained a newer point and shoot camera; Canon A710 IS, but rarely have the opportunity to use it.

It was suggested that I mention my favorite image from my gallery. I believe that would be a toss up between "The Spice Merchant" and "Autumn's Waltz". I would love to hear which one is your favorite from my gallery. :) I am so happy to have made so many wonderful friends throughout my membership at Caedes, and have enjoyed the community atmosphere that is so prevalent here. I'm also very thankful to Geri (caedes) for making it possible for us all to share our talents on this awesome site! I have witnessed countless times, members giving of their time, and willingness in helping others just starting out, or learning a new concept. These attitudes are what make this site stand out! A special thanks to all who continue to support and inspire me, and a sincere and heartfelt thanks for your nomination!


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