
Contest Results: Numbers & Letters

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 07/13/16 7:15 PM GMT
Winner: tigger3 (See the full results)

1st place
Monarch Release #5 by tigger3

icedancer: Simplicity and beauty - superb shot

jerseygurl: Loving your series on the monarchs Tigs - the migrating monarchs will begin to lay their eggs in a few weeks - hoping to raise and release some as I did last year - it's so fascinating - Great Capture and thanks for faving my iris!!!:-):-):-)!!!

tigger3 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
White Rook Beware by Lightpainter

tigger3: This is a perfect example of DOF, I'm glad you joined us!

mesmerized: Oh, excellent, Ted...great entry and example of DOF...nice lighting too...don't forget to put it in the contest gallery and best of luck...faved.

Lightpainter received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
A Bee and a Daisy by luckyshot

stylo: fine job on this pic! congrats!!

corngrowth: Thad, please don't disturb it as it's still counting, lol!!!

Excellent macro, my friend! Perfectly done!

mesmerized: Great detail on the bee and DOF, Thad, and good for you entering this in the of luck, if the contest goes ahead.

4th place
Depth of Field and Then Some by PatAndre

corngrowth: ---should have been---

That's right Momma!!!!

Excellent DOF entry. Good Luck with it, Pat!

stylo: it was a lovely and very detailed shot with the proper DOF, i would have like to seen this one do better, but...just my opinion. congrats just as well! Pat

5th place
Iris (purple) by stylo

stylo: LOL, i turn over leaves, rocks ect...everyday! still the same dung under each and everyone. thats what i get for moving to greener pastures...

I would like to make one point clear about the current confusion on the contest topic. by no means am i boycotting. some might see it as such. im just waiting for a more logical reason and then resolution to the problem. DOF pictures im in no shortage of. its a common rather simple topic most of us have many on hand. its not like i have to break a leg looking for one...yes pun intented! :)