
Contest Results: insect's view of the world / very low angle

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Ended 12/20/11 12:15 AM GMT
Winner: J_E_F (See the full results)

1st place
Surprise in my glass by J_E_F

Inkeri: Congratulations for the 1st place,John.

pauldb: A really cool picture. The colors, composition, and lighting are all well done. The one thing that keeps this photo from being even better is that the focus is on the gecko's back and not his eyes. But it's still a very good shot.

J_E_F received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
My Life as an Ant by ccmerino

Logun7: Congratulations!!!

ro_and: outstanding quality and colors with a perfect blue sky as background...Ro

J_E_F: Contest or no, this is still a lovely shot. on a chilly day like today in snowy Canada, this brings in some welcome colour and warmth.

ccmerino received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

4th place
Honeybee #11 by ryzst

casechaser: Gawd Russ, that is a close-up. lol. You are such a master at these macros. Best wishes in the contest. ~~ John

ryzst: Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all the feedback.

I don't ever feel threatened by bees, no matter how close I get to them. And in most cases, it's really close, about 2-3 inches from the front lens.