
Contest Results: What Is It?

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 03/08/13 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: roxanapaduraru (See the full results)

1st place
Waves by roxanapaduraru

Nikoneer: Congratulations on first place Rox. The only thing left is to spill the beans on the identity of this image.


Flmngseabass: Now this is intriguing Roxana!!!! Looks a lot like a multi-layered building but it's some kind of plywood pieces stacked up!! Really cool whatever it is:):)

roxanapaduraru received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
What It Is by Eubeen

bfrank: Congratulations on your contest placement Wendell.

LakeMichigan: My first thought is mushroom .... but maybe not.
We'll have to get back to you on this !
Great shot and entry .

Starglow: I have an idea about it, but I'll wait to see if I'm right. Cool photo.

Eubeen received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Bright & Bold by Nikoneer

rvdb: Congrats on your win nice work.


SirTreek23: It reminds me of some kind of church bell contraption. Nice shot.

nanadoo: SHEWWWWW! Gets my vote! I have no clue and the curse is not helping me! The colors are outstanding!

4th place
Wooden __________? by Fifthbeatle

luckyshot: I prefer my lobster steamed, with drawn butter on the side.

stonewolff: Well, I can't tell you what this is but I can certainly say that it is not a group of elves running across a basketball court. It is also not a map of the Grand Canyon. I think it's a secret.

5th place
a puzzle by ekowalska

Fifthbeatle: Good close up! my first thought is a rino, as well

bfrank: Congrats on your contest placement.

ekowalska: Thank you for your comments. Most of you were right, but Pat (icedancer) hit the nail on the head sayng it's "the hind end of a Rhino". Greetings from Ewa