
  Hubble Deep Field?  

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Hubble Deep Field?
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I'm not sure if this is part of the Hubble deep field or not.


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11/23/02 5:24 AM GMT
Tadpole Galaxy - More info than you probably need at:
0∈ [?]
02/18/03 10:15 PM GMT
Wow, there is a lot of galaxies out there. I bet more than two are at war, Star Wars style.

"Better watch your back because you'll never hear the shot that hits you..."
-The Raven-
0∈ [?]
09/08/03 4:10 PM GMT
Can see but can't touch them, they are too far unless somebody invent high speed rocket using ion or fusion fuel.
0∈ [?]
10/02/03 2:22 AM GMT
still too far.. with that maybe only half way across our own galaxy. The big one I think is our very own milky way. Very cool image! Can you imagine how many galaxys there are out there? I mean thats only a 2-D image, I can't even comprehend 390° of of galaxys, farther than anything could see.
0∈ [?]
10/17/03 11:03 AM GMT
Where is my horoskop?????
0∈ [?]
10/23/03 12:29 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
11/09/03 9:05 PM GMT
my god...

...there is no way we are alone.
0∈ [?]
11/11/03 7:55 PM GMT
those galixys are so far away that even at the speed of light it would take millions of years to reach them...
0∈ [?]
11/17/03 3:15 AM GMT
This picture makes me a little crazy because i still want to be out there and see all these great things with my own eyes...
0∈ [?]
12/16/03 6:19 AM GMT
wow, how much space. how small i am. now i know how ants feel.
Must have taken God a long time to make all this
0∈ [?]
01/08/04 1:44 PM GMT
Nowhere near too far. All we need are starship drives which can accelerate a spacecraft to around 99.8% the speed of Light... then time dialation means once you arrive it will only have been a few lifetimes for the crew (relative to Earth, where a LOT more years have passed). Only a few minor complications involved.... (G-Forces way too high unless slow accel, energy required to get to this speed insane, you have to slow down when you arrive, travelling that fast a pebble in space could completely annihilate your craft on collision... etc etc)
0∈ [?]
01/18/04 11:53 PM GMT
awesome ;)
0∈ [?]
01/25/04 2:00 AM GMT
so close...but yet so far!
0∈ [?]
02/22/04 8:23 PM GMT
wow awesome image so clear and inspiring!
0∈ [?]
03/04/04 8:49 AM GMT
It is from the Hubble, and wouldn't you say it is awesome?
0∈ [?]
03/04/04 3:44 PM GMT
That is beautiful. I wish I could figure out how to do that.

"This above all: to thine own self be true." -William Shakespeare
0∈ [?]
03/14/04 7:38 AM GMT
I don't think there is a question of if it's from the Hubble. But is it part of the Hubble Deep Field Image?
0∈ [?]
03/31/04 3:33 AM GMT
Great galaxy view AND desktop!
0∈ [?]
04/11/04 7:26 AM GMT
far and away the most humbling and awe-inspiring view of our universe.
0∈ [?]
04/11/04 8:12 PM GMT
This pictures is very fascinating. Have to print this one out and put it on my wall if its good enought. It looks almost unreal....*dream*
0∈ [?]
05/03/04 3:05 AM GMT
The thing is, traveling at such relatevistic speeds procures many more problems. Sure we could hypothetically accelerate to such speeds, but once we have we are EXTREMELY vulnerable to anything. A microscopic spec of dust would go streaking through the craft and effectively destroy it. Decompression would annihilate the occupancy and craft.
0∈ [?]
02/03/05 10:00 PM GMT
Lol, some one said that the big galaxy in this image is the Milky Way galaxy. Thats impossible. Hubble would have to travel a couple million light years off into empty space to get a shot of the galaxy we live in.
Also, I read an article about the deep field photograph and how that the hubble telescope focused on a point in the sky equal to about the size of a quarter 25 feet away from you if you were standing on earth. Pretty cool stuff.
Also, they now know there to be at least 50 billion galaxies. There could easily be 200 billion. But who knows how many actually exist even though we see them since the light we see is merely history.
btw that article also said that the light from the most distant galaxy they have photographed indicates it to be 13 billion lightyears away. It almost makes we wonder if the speed of light maybe slows down. I mean seriously, they have slowed down a photon in a cloud of electrons to the point where it just stopped. Anyway, I'm finished ranting.
0∈ [?]
02/03/05 10:05 PM GMT
Something else too. Stuff that gets going anything near the speed of light begins to infinite mass. I seriously don't see us doing any huge trips into space unless we found a way to warp space itself, like maybe a worm hole.
0∈ [?]
02/21/05 3:50 AM GMT
Interesting photo. Sad that this species is not apparently going to make it to anywhere out there in this corporeal.guise. Too much is being utilized to destroy ourselves (and to ignore the destruction of others). Fortunately it's all in the Bible. (Is there) anybody out there? Please take the time to look into it while it's possible.
0∈ [?]
08/25/05 4:25 PM GMT
im from outer space

0∈ [?]
01/05/06 12:49 AM GMT
Hey Proxima Centauri of the Arm of Orion :D, very impressive knowledge you have man! A comment about your 2nd comment:
1st of all, wormholes are very unstable.
2nd of all, any1 to go throught a wormhole would simply fry due to all of the concentrated radiation.
And 3rd of all, I'm pretty sure they don't exist, because to have an exit from the wromhole, it has to be the exact opposite of it's entrance which is a black hole. So there should be a (so called) white hole, that does the contrary actiobn of a black hole. And since a black hole swallows everything that crosses it's horizon, the white hole should eject every thing that crosses it's "horizon", and there really is no way that a similar object can be created..
4th and of all, if a wormhole truly existed, it should be close enough so that we can get to it.
5th and finally, the black hole (the entrance) is mobile so it'll be only temporary.
Now, just a general fact: The exit (the white hole) due to Einstein's Equation of Relativity, could exist in a different time (In the past or future). So we can travel in time which is pretty cool ain't it?
0∈ [?]
07/29/06 4:59 AM GMT
What an amazing picture
0∈ [?]
09/24/06 7:58 PM GMT
i hope they get a scope out there to take its place thats been as much fun to see its images as hubble. i hope to see some stuff with my human eyes before my next life kicks in. i think its going to be better with the next.
0∈ [?]

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