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Uploaded: 05/15/07 12:52 AM GMT
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Views: 1356
Dlds: 59
Status: active

I'm not sure what building this is, but it's in Montreal Canada.


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05/15/07 4:58 PM GMT
This is a super shot and I treated it well in the voting booth. Of course I didn't know it was yours, but I'm glad it is. I love the play of color from the sky and clouds being reflected in the building and the contrast with the reddish aspects.


0∈ [?]
"You may forget. But let me tell you this: someone in some future time will think of us."
05/17/07 5:11 PM GMT
interesting choice of subject, but the photo could use some more of contrast and sharpening: right now it looks washed out. But I really like how the clouds are reflected in those windows. Oh, and the building is a bit cut off on the right; not sure if that was intentional or not; I like how you choose to put some of that low cloud in, but you also cut off the buiding, which makes it feel incomplete. Other than that, the image is very nice.
0∈ [?]
05/17/07 11:49 PM GMT
Sharpness didn't seem too bad to me. Contrast and saturation do need some attention though. My biggest issue with it though is it's not straight.
0∈ [?]
All comments are appreciated. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
05/18/07 8:11 PM GMT
I like this shot very much. You captured the part of the building with the most impressive reflection of the sky. I agree that the contrast and saturation could be pushed up a notch to make it even more impressive.
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