
  Autumn Creeper  

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Uploaded: 10/04/14 2:52 PM GMT
Autumn Creeper
Views: 1319
Dlds: 523
Status: active

Some Virginia Creeper grew thru our fence. I liked the way the wood grain popped after the rain.


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10/05/14 7:10 AM GMT
A nice touch of Autumnal splendour!
0∈ [?]
"Never stop photographing. It is very likely that your best photograph has not yet been captured"> "You can observe a lot by just watching". - Yogi Berra
10/05/14 8:53 AM GMT
I like the contrast of textures and color. Nice one.
0∈ [?]
10/07/14 3:06 PM GMT
A stunning photo Michael - love those colors and the way it is growing on the fence. This would make a great dt or a sign for someone for autumn.
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Life is a Constant Audition
10/09/14 12:43 AM GMT
Wonderful expression of early Autumn...the just turning Virginia Creeper leaves are beautifully complemented by the grain of the fence.
0∈ [?]
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne, Thassay so hard, so sharp the conquering..." Chaucer
11/11/14 6:51 AM GMT
(This makes a great fall desktop, by the way.)
0∈ [?]

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