I guess you have already winter in Finnland, don't you? Great capture. The contrast between sharp ice contour and liquid waters seems the right choice.
I'm way behind so forgive me for not commening on your individual posts but know that I've looked at all of them since I left. I truly enjoy seeing all of your posts and am always happy to see you at My Gallery. Thanks, Anita
Wow, Helena, that's a really amazing capture. Took me a second to see what was going on, but it was quite a surprise at full screen. Wonderful capture! I like the way you caught the movement and have shown the water in both solid and liquid form.
CITIZENS of our world, check my website for a riveting, informational video that concerns all of you and the future of our globe. You will be flabbergasted, annoyed, distressed, in disbelief, but you will have been made aware of the WARNINGS. See this film. It gets better as it goes along, but will have your attention from the first quote.
Even the flowing water is so smooth as to look possibly frozen itself. Absolutely beautiful photo! The lighting couldn't be better, and the focus is perfect.
This is very creative. The "blur" of the water and the ice blends well together, creating a unique view. This is a very cool (pardon the pun) image, I really am enjoying it!!
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote=======
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where poopy-ish ideas come from!!