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Uploaded: 11/17/07 10:03 AM GMT
Views: 3667
Dlds: 1143
Status: active

OMG i got up early (on a Saturday)!! and went to catch the sunrise!! Enjoy! :-) I did! hehe.


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11/17/07 11:59 AM GMT
Another stunning silhouette Jan, very dramatic and emotional, well done.
0∈ [?]
11/17/07 12:53 AM GMT
Faved :)
0∈ [?]
"Everyone has a photographic memory...some just don't have film." ~~My DA Gallery~~
11/17/07 12:55 AM GMT
What a great desktop for my panoramical windscreen... Dark silhouette of the tree against the sky on fire - Truly smashing work my friend!
0∈ [?]
Can you hear it whisper, can you hear it murmur? Are you ready to explore nature? Come on! It is thriving with colors and painted with light...
11/17/07 2:13 PM GMT
Awesome Silhouette Jan. Simple and Beautiful.

0∈ [?]
11/17/07 2:35 PM GMT
Nice shot,looks beautiful.
0∈ [?]
11/17/07 2:36 PM GMT
Nice shot,looks beautiful.
0∈ [?]
11/17/07 4:12 PM GMT
I love that green in the sky...hardly ever seen but much sought after!!

♫ 005 PJ ♫

0∈ [?]
"I never looked for it, gave it no name; yet I knew it always, when the gift of peace came. I stood quite still for the moment that it lasted...Then the light shifted slightly and the moment passed, leaving me...with the lasting echo of its presence.." Diana Gabaldon
11/17/07 6:19 PM GMT
Just think, that tree sees the sunrise everyday. How lucky you were to get to share one morning with the big feller. Awesome photo. Hope I get it in VB. Yes, I'd give it at 10 Jan.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
11/17/07 7:14 PM GMT
saved and faved...said enough huh:))
0∈ [?]
laughter is the best medicine.
11/17/07 7:27 PM GMT
That's quite early my sweet! I love the wondrous colours and that beautiful tree. A very enjoyable image. :)
0∈ [?]
11/17/07 7:30 PM GMT
Jan, it was worth to go up early on a Saturday morning as you achieved a wonderful result. Beautiful image which brings a not to define, but pretty, mood. Very well done! Regards, Cornelius
0∈ [?]
Cornelius was here! (lol) Click HERE to see his work!
11/18/07 4:37 AM GMT
You captured so much detail in this sillhoette, even the grasses are distinctive. Nice work on this beautiful sunrise Jan (no friday night out?) :)
0∈ [?]
11/18/07 5:09 AM GMT
Fine colors and silhouette,nice picture.
0∈ [?]
11/18/07 10:32 AM GMT
What a lovely and unusual green and orange sky. Certainly worth rising early.
0∈ [?]
11/18/07 1:33 PM GMT
LOL...worth getting up for Jan...this is fantastic shot...not only great color but perfect composition...gerry
0∈ [?]
"The more we come in contact with animals, and observe their behaviour, the more we love them, for we see how great is their care for their young." - philosopher Immanuel Kant
11/18/07 3:25 PM GMT
Beautiful. I wish I could find scenes like this. Well done.
0∈ [?]
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual. Edward Weston
11/18/07 5:11 PM GMT
Wonderful! Fabulous idea and fabulous color! I did enjoy!
0∈ [?]
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
11/18/07 5:17 PM GMT
Hey Jan,
I just adore this view, it is one of those few scenes that keeps amazing us every single time, (~8
Personally I'd make sure the foreground silhouette is completely black, (here it's got a slight brown tint and details on the right that might distract from the astonishing view) but it seems to fit here somehow, (~8
Beautifully done,

Thanks for sharing

PS; Faved it, thrice to make sure 8~)
0∈ [?]
"Everything fails, what matters is how strictly you define a success" (~8 8~)
11/18/07 6:28 PM GMT
Wow, definitely worth getting up for. Glad to see you got some sunshine up there Jan. We had it forecast for Saturday but it didn't materialise.

This is lovely - the graduated colours make me think of a lava lamp - or that mouthwash with different coloured layers! And silhouetting the tree really shows how it's been blown by the wind.

0∈ [?]
"Whatever you're interested in, go for it. You can only find your voice if you're not intimidated by doing stuff that's been done before." Alec Soth
11/19/07 9:40 AM GMT
It looks like this is turning into a project of yours Jan. Beautiful horison shots with the tree line silluettes. Nice.
0∈ [?]
Why not visit my Gallery.
11/19/07 6:02 PM GMT
good you heard the alarm clock ;o)
0∈ [?]
If you have some minutes why don't you come visiting my gallery ?
11/20/07 9:44 PM GMT
When did you go up? Looks like the middle of the night - or did you just came home???? Wonderful image, great orange sky.
0∈ [?]
My dear friends! I hope you forgive me for not commenting and answering that much recently. Thats because of the weather situation here, that takes all my energy. I promise to do better as soon as there will be more sun again. Smile
12/01/07 3:01 PM GMT
stunning shot .
0∈ [?]
....Dreamstime..... Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature. Big stock photo
01/04/08 11:19 AM GMT
Absolutely perfect. My compliments.
0∈ [?]
01/06/08 1:17 AM GMT
Not your traditional reds and yellows. nice job.
0∈ [?]

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