
  Beach Therapy  

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Uploaded: 04/22/11 3:20 PM GMT
Beach Therapy
Views: 1284
Dlds: 218
Status: active

A day at the beach is always revitalizing, especially on a beautiful autumn day. This is part of Moeraki beach on the North Otago coast.
Translated from Maori Moeraki means "to sleep or dream by day" . . no sleeping for me today, a bit too chilly, but a good place to walk and dream :) Thanks for your views and comments, which are very much valued.

Canon EOS 450D, Lesn EFS 17-85mm
Exposure Time = 1/200", F10, ISO 100, 7.63 TV, 6.63 AV,Focal Length = 17mm


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04/22/11 3:31 PM GMT
Yep...I could take theraphy on there anytime

A wonderful ocean scene
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* A picture is the expression of an impression * .. .. OwdBob'sGallery
04/22/11 3:38 PM GMT
That's one lovely beach..Nice..R.
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In life as in dance: grace glides on blistered feet.
04/22/11 4:02 PM GMT
Great photo of 'Doctor' beach! High quality photo, Lyn!

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Be free - use Linux
04/22/11 5:39 PM GMT
The point in the distance would make a great place for a golf hole LE. I could stand there and hit balls into the ocean all day. What great therapy you have provided.


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Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
04/22/11 5:48 PM GMT
That would send my stress overload packing for sure. Wish I could go there for a couple weeks. Great shot Lyn.
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"If I should leave this path of life today, I would carry the vision of Gods' rose blooms with me as I go......" -- Stan V. Griep
04/22/11 6:14 PM GMT
I can hear the waves lapping and smell the salt air.
0∈ [?]
04/22/11 8:28 PM GMT
Beautiful Lyn - a place I would like to be right now.
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Life is a Constant Audition
04/22/11 9:05 PM GMT
The Maoris gave the beach that name in summer, for sure :) On my screen it looks very impressive as it is also 1920 x 1080
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If practice makes perfect and nobody is perfect, then why practice?
04/23/11 12:23 AM GMT
Beautiful shot. It reminds me when I lived on the beach in Connecticut. Very, very good shot.

0∈ [?]
04/23/11 2:14 AM GMT
A lovely beach scene, Lyn. I like the wave action, makes me want to jump in and for a swim.
0∈ [?]
Enjoy nature, Take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints
04/23/11 12:19 AM GMT
Well, it's now in the 90s so we're definitely not cold. Beautiful beach scene. I like the crescent beach and the way that one wave is breaking.
0∈ [?]
AVATAR BY PJ............... i've been so bad about commenting on your photos. believe me when i say i look at them all. feel free to NOT comment on mine. Please Visit My Gallery
04/23/11 12:44 AM GMT
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Why not go out on a limb, that is where the fruit is.... Frank Scully
04/23/11 12:58 AM GMT
Marvelous!! Tigs♥ =^..^=

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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/23/11 11:46 PM GMT
A terrific view of the beach, LynEve! Very pleasing perspective and a lovely composition. You've done a great job capturing the serenity and beauty along this stretch of coastline. Excellent!

- Steve
0∈ [?]
04/24/11 1:31 AM GMT
It's probably warmer there than it is here. You have some of the most beautiful coastlines in NZ. Beautiful shot.
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04/24/11 11:55 PM GMT
Beautiful beach
0∈ [?]
04/26/11 7:29 PM GMT
Reminds me of Verenas beach scenes.A Gorgeous photo,Eve.Faved.
0∈ [?]
04/27/11 4:46 PM GMT
Oh what a relaxing and peaceful scene and would be very therapeutic indeed
0∈ [?]
04/28/11 5:56 PM GMT
Simply Gorgeous!!! Sign me up for a day or two of therapy:)
0∈ [?]
The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥

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