
  Rolling Hills  

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Uploaded: 04/25/11 3:17 PM GMT
Rolling Hills
Views: 1140
Dlds: 149
Status: active

Looking over the hills towards the township of Moeraki. I was going to abandon this because of the haze - another taken on Friday, a day of haze, but decided perhaps it adds to the image. I don't know really.
What do you think?
Comments welcome :)

Canon EOS 450D, Exposure 1/200", F11, ISO 100, 7.63 TV, 7 AV, Focal Length 50mm


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04/25/11 3:42 PM GMT
I think you're a master at photography, processing and presentation.! Lovely.
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AVATAR BY PJ............... i've been so bad about commenting on your photos. believe me when i say i look at them all. feel free to NOT comment on mine. Please Visit My Gallery
04/25/11 3:45 PM GMT
Helluva sky here!...

That scene goes on forever .. great work Lyn
0∈ [?]
* A picture is the expression of an impression * .. .. OwdBob'sGallery
04/25/11 3:57 PM GMT
Great Vista Mist or not..R.
0∈ [?]
In life as in dance: grace glides on blistered feet.
04/25/11 4:17 PM GMT
The mist sure doesn't hurt the scene LE. I like how you display the vastness of your country. Good work.


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Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
04/25/11 4:49 PM GMT
It works just fine, Eve...... and very well accentuated by the immediate foreground.
0∈ [?]
04/25/11 5:49 PM GMT
Excellent shot. So very well composed.
0∈ [?]
"If I should leave this path of life today, I would carry the vision of Gods' rose blooms with me as I go......" -- Stan V. Griep
04/25/11 7:26 PM GMT
Your decision to share it with us was the right one in my book, this is very nicely done. Tigs♥ =^..^=

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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/25/11 8:55 PM GMT
Beautiful landscape in this image Lyn. The haze is part of the nature and it should stay so.
0∈ [?]
If practice makes perfect and nobody is perfect, then why practice?
04/26/11 12:52 AM GMT
A beautiful well composed landscape, Lyn. The mist and clouds really set the mood. Nice work.
0∈ [?]
Enjoy nature, Take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints
04/26/11 3:56 AM GMT
Haze adds to the image but it is the sky that drives this picture.
0∈ [?]
04/26/11 10:57 AM GMT
A Stunning landscape scene,Eve.Lovely composition.Beautiful photo.
0∈ [?]
04/26/11 11:51 AM GMT
I think it is fabulous as always.
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Why not go out on a limb, that is where the fruit is.... Frank Scully
04/26/11 3:23 PM GMT
Another great landscape photo. Great capture, with the mist from the waves on the shore.

0∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
04/26/11 4:57 PM GMT
It's a beautiful landscape with haze or without. When I see haze though I think of summer.
0∈ [?]
04/27/11 1:35 PM GMT
I don't think the haze detracts from this shot at all. It heightens the depth of the photo and adds to the dreamy quality of the landscape. Another beautiful shot, LynEve. I love the view and the rolling hills bordering the water. Well done!

- Steve
0∈ [?]
04/28/11 6:36 PM GMT
Excellent, love that haze in the distance it really adds a lot of mood to this setting
0∈ [?]
04/28/11 7:32 PM GMT
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The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
05/03/11 3:39 AM GMT
I think it looks A OK!
0∈ [?]
AVATAR BY PJ............... i've been so bad about commenting on your photos. believe me when i say i look at them all. feel free to NOT comment on mine. Please Visit My Gallery
05/05/11 12:10 AM GMT
YOu should work for the New Zealand tourist board Lyn seriously. Your pictures really show off the beauty of the landscape.
0∈ [?]
05/08/11 9:08 PM GMT
Wow a great capture, stretches out as far as the eye can see, or in this case the camera :) well done a great scenic photo!!!
0∈ [?]
"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it." Confucius

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