
  Breath of Life  

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Uploaded: 10/03/21 12:00 AM GMT
Breath of Life
Views: 288
Dlds: 152
Status: active

The breath of a Humpback whale per online sources is said to emerge at a speed of 300 miles per hour. In contrast a human sneeze is reportedly only one hundred miles per hour. Breathing in whales is more conscious because their respiratory and digestive systems are not connected. Taking a breath is a conscious effort. They apparently do not exhale carbon dioxide as we do but sequester it in their massive bodies. See: also The Science of Whale Snot


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10/04/21 8:21 AM GMT
Paul, this whale does bear some resemblance to a submarine using her 'snorkel'. In fact, I have to say the opposite because the hull of a submarine resembles the shape of a whale.
Great capture again!
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10/06/21 10:37 PM GMT
While a few of your other whale photos required some study to determine what anatomical part we were looking at, this one is unmistakable, pretty much blows me over. ;oP Definitely saved and faved, Paul.

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