
  Time Without End  

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Uploaded: 06/15/17 7:35 PM GMT
Time Without End
Views: 1127
Dlds: 373
Status: active

A third wallpaper made using Pillemaster's Circular Flame Tutorial on DeviantArt.

OK, I made a mess of this one, getting confused over the decoration of the rings. I didn't understand how that worked -- Pillemaster posted an image here that shows how it's supposed to look -- with added fillips, I suspect. :-)

Also, because the centres came out too strongly in mine, I made a nice layer mask in Photoshop to damp down the distracting craziness in the middle where all the really little circles are.

All the time I worked on the layer mask I was thinking, "This is what I know how to do, but if I actually knew how to use Apophysis, I could get the same effect in less time."

Software used:

Apophysis 7x 15D
Photoshop CS5

Fractal rendered on 1 August 2015
Wallpaper created the same day; completed 3 September 2016.


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06/15/17 7:51 PM GMT
In spite of your own creative misgivings about the inner workings of Apophysis.. this is a nice variation of Pillemaster's Circular Flame Tutorial.

Composition is strong. Colour palette is pleasing.

... ...

"All the time I worked on the layer mask I was thinking, "This is what I know how to do, but if I actually knew how to use Apophysis, I could get the same effect in less time.""

Time and opportunity permitting.. take a look at the Xaos and Color tabs for Apophysis. Just muck about a bit, even.

To get you started:

Tutorial - Xaos revealed


Apo Tutorial - Color Symmetry

^ Introduces some of the controls via the Color tab.

To isolate the "problematic" transform.. check the "Solo" box, once working in the Color tab. Doing so, will render only that transform's.. erhm.. contribution (let's go with this).. to the overall flame.

Even changing the weight of the respective Transforms could work.. but, this comes with the caveat of; "it depends on the variation and transform".

That all said..

Nice work.

2∈ [?]
06/15/17 8:00 PM GMT
I suspect I might have to reinstall that version of Apophysis because I stupidly let my laptop do a system restore. I hope there's nothing worse wrong with it, but it's old anyway. It's resting meanwhile till I can take a closer look. All these old renders, flames and other Apo bits are largely on the Mac, maybe even all of it, so there's that.

Thanks for the links -- I had no idea a transform could be isolated in that way. :-)
1∈ [?]
06/16/17 2:01 AM GMT
I really like the use of the color combination here Sandra, again you have done a great job on this render. tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫

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