
  Toccoa Georgia Lake 2  

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Uploaded: 11/26/10 5:52 AM GMT
Toccoa Georgia Lake 2
Views: 1469
Dlds: 27
Status: active

Last day on vacation in August 2010. Morning around 7-8am. Captured with my iPhone 3GS. Enjoy.


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11/26/10 6:57 PM GMT
It'a nice wide shot. Sky and water are compatible. Thanks for sharing...
0∈ [?]
11/28/10 7:58 AM GMT
Hello, Andy...I'm no expert on cameras, so I'm not sure of the capabilities of an iPhone 3GS. If I had to choose between "Toccoa Georgia Lake" and "Toccoa Georgia Lake 2", I'd have to go with the original. The colors are far superior and the vegetation is much more interesting.

Nonetheless, this posting is quite nice. I have been told that the amount of sky in a photograph should be reduced unless the sky adds drama to the shot. This sky is pretty plain; so I'll say that the shot should have been cropped to remove about half the sky. You picked a moody time of day for your shot. With the bright sky in the background, the remaining silhouettes are quite interesting. The water weeds add to the photo. There seems to be a lot of noise visible in the sky which again is rather undramatic.

Anyway, that's my take on your posting, and I'm sticking to it.
0∈ [?]
To err is human. To forgive was never my strong suit.
11/28/10 3:31 PM GMT
Nice reflections on the water. I agree with Roger about the sky in your composition.

0∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
11/28/10 8:01 PM GMT
Nice serene feeling here. The sky on the left seems a bit overexposed. The pier would be a better subject of interest if it were not partially obscured by the dark trees behind it. I'm pleasantly surprised by the good resolution you got with an phone/camera.
0∈ [?]
some pictures say a thousand words... others speak silently to the soul
11/29/10 6:01 PM GMT
Considering this picture is off your phone its great, love the reflections and the smooth ripples of the water.
0∈ [?]
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