
  the Graduation  

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Uploaded: 06/16/06 6:05 PM GMT
the Graduation
Views: 1556
Dlds: 52
Status: active

a long delayed entry.. sorry it took so long. life has been busy over this past month... i wil ltry to post some more in the near future. although it wont be any new stuff because i am out of a camera right now. see i went to the bahamas a couiple weeks ago, and while on the cruise i was excited to get some fantastic shots, i soon found out my memory stick wasnt in my camera, so as aggitated i was, i just stuck the camera in a drawer in the cabin then ended up forgetting about it all by the time we left. so piss to that. i will be getting a pentax digital though...hopefully soon. but thats that. thanks.. and sorry...


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06/16/06 6:21 PM GMT
GREAT Caleb! I was wondering where you were! I am sorry about your camera! This is a very nice shot of you { and your parents?}
Missed you / Congratulations! Now get busy! :)
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The Voting Booth is your friend..........:)
06/16/06 8:04 PM GMT
Great photograph Caleb and congratulations! That is awful you lost your camera - put it behind you and get saving for a new one - I look forward to seeing some more of your photographs soon. :) Patti
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"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that is why we call it the present."
06/16/06 8:19 PM GMT
thanks yall :} and yes, im sorry i forgot to mention that this is my parents. :)
oh, and also, im not too worried about the camera deal anymore.. just gives me an excuse to get a better one, and also to go back to the bahamas to actually take photographs then :)
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06/17/06 12:56 AM GMT
Now the fun really begins Caleb LOL. Your parents look so proud of you and congratulations once again on your graduation.
0∈ [?]
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares
06/17/06 2:06 AM GMT
OH NO!!! save your cash and get that camera.hard to do i know....anyway, glad you are back............hello to family!!nice family portrait
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