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Uploaded: 03/17/04 6:03 AM GMT
Views: 4984
Dlds: 2021
Status: active

Suzzalo reading room, University of Washington, Seattle, USA


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03/17/04 6:30 AM GMT
Nicely taken. Good shot
0∈ [?]
If it were any less reliable, it would be called a ford
03/17/04 7:09 AM GMT
thanks lggidy. I spent a good amount of time taking out noise (exit signs, fire extinguisher, etc) and making it a bit warmer. I might go and retake it looking a little more towards the right side.
0∈ [?]
03/17/04 9:00 AM GMT
Great perspective nice job. Good depth.
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Clayton H. Bramlett
03/17/04 1:06 PM GMT
Oh well done, great focus and good lighting, you deserve the 10.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
03/18/04 12:47 AM GMT
How lovely. It seems like the place was very serene and almost eerie when the photo was taken.
0∈ [?]
04/07/04 1:19 PM GMT
nice shot good subject
0∈ [?]
12/16/04 7:28 PM GMT
Fit for a king.
0∈ [?]
Einstein's theory of relativity: Grab hold of a hot pan, a second can seem like an hour. Grab hold of a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second. It's all relative.
01/03/05 9:34 PM GMT
awesome! now i now why i have always wanted to go to the pacific northwest.
0∈ [?]
01/30/05 10:46 PM GMT
This is Beautiful.
0∈ [?]
06/25/05 5:16 PM GMT
Nice shot, if you do go back and take another might i suggest doing alot the same, but maybe moving the camera over to the left a tad so you are right in the middle off that aile. The height at which you took this is very good, allowing all of the rows to be seen alittle, but it would be cool i think if the image was centred.
0∈ [?]
"A piece of toast with butter always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on its feet. What happens if a piece of toast is tied butter side down to the back of a cat? Does it perpetually hover above the ground in indecision when dropped?"
07/04/06 5:47 PM GMT
I love this shot, I have looked all over the internet for photos of the UW and yours is the best I have seen.
0∈ [?]
02/20/08 12:33 AM GMT
That's my library! Yay! One of my favorite places to study. Not exactly quiet because the ventilation system echoes like no other, but it's white noise and beyond that the room is quiet and wonderful.
0∈ [?]

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