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Uploaded: 03/31/12 8:42 PM GMT
Views: 1506
Dlds: 20
Status: active

A shot I took a few years back for my A levels based around the work of Fleur Olby, a wonderful photographer working with vivid contrasting flower and plant pieces. This image is part of a series and despite the somewhat odd cropping remains my favourite! I have no idea why I didn't think to upload this before, so here goes - my first artistic contribution to Caedes in a fair while :)


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04/01/12 8:57 AM GMT
Oooo congratulations on your first ever upload! I feel very honoured to be the first to comment! I also did A level photography but more than a few years ago. I loved the creativity it inspired and this is no exception. I really like the vivid contrasts and the ice is a clever addition! If i may say, i would have loved it even more if some of the green stalk had also been in focus but for your first post its a great start! I look forward to seeing more :D
1∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
04/09/12 12:27 AM GMT
Good good to see you take that creative leap of faith and post your first image.


I find your photo here.. strangely alluring.

Could be.. the vivid colour contrasts. (Nice, and very eye-catching.)

Could be.. and wait for it, strangeness coming your way ... the visual suggestion of a delicious culinary dish. (Haven't had breakie yet, and am hungry. But.. that was my first impression as well, when I first viewed some time back.)


Kind of in agreement with the above observations on the note of a wider/deeper DOF.

Mind you, and with that said.. the drops of water are distinct on that of on top of the flower ... the edge of the ice is delineated enough.

Part of me does want to see more of the green stalk in focus. (My foggy mind is telling me something about equalizing visual weights within frame.)


Quite an imaginative approach and creative presentation.


I quite like it. :o)
0∈ [?]

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