
  For An Angel  

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Uploaded: 07/18/10 10:52 PM GMT
For An Angel
Views: 1694
Dlds: 30
Status: active

I`m afraid to say, as many of you will know I`m not around much anymore so I only found out the sad news yesterday. Verena joined here just about the same time me and over the years was both an inspiration and a support and I feel privileged to have known such a lovely person. This ones for you Bloo!


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07/18/10 11:12 PM GMT
you make such beautiful and artful creations. the colors are great especially the BLOO. i'm sure she would love this excellent creation. the sunset is perfect.
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AVATAR BY PJ............... i'd like to give special thanks to those who have added my photographs to their "favorites". it's such a treat for me to see each one. i am always extremely grateful for the kind comments and suggestions that you make. Please Visit My Gallery
07/19/10 12:25 AM GMT
I love your creations Ian! This is just beautiful for Verena and I love the colors! I better fave it in case I won't see many more of
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07/19/10 1:38 AM GMT
Way to go buddy. Verena would smile and just luv it. She meant a lot to all of us......and to you's such a shame but we all go on. You've shown your true heart Ian.....and everyone here thanks you.......I know I do. :) Taker easy buddy and don't be such a stranger. :) J
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Always remember - Follow the Yellow Brick Road, it will lead you to OZ and the Emerald City. A very nice place to live. Trust me on this one, I live there. The Lion **** MY CAEDES GALLERY****Another Site I'm AT - MY DA HOME PAGE
07/19/10 3:58 AM GMT
She sure would love those blue stars...and lovely words to accompany this image.
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In memory of VERENA.
07/19/10 5:23 AM GMT
Wonderful work, indeed! Bloo probably sees it, in the next world...Thanks foe sharing this...
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"I'll make ya an offer, ya just can't refuse..." - VITO CORLEONE Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
07/19/10 8:35 PM GMT
Tis a sad event that has brought you back to us but all the same such a wondrous creation you've left... I didn't know the BLOO lady all that well but who wouldn't be touched and moved by such a creation dedicated to them? Thanks Ian, good to 'see' you again...
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