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Uploaded: 01/11/06 10:29 PM GMT
Views: 695
Dlds: 103
Status: active

Apophysis, with some minor post color enhancement in PS. I've been having a very difficult week, & Apophysis just wasn't producing anything, so I went back into stored parameters & found a flame I'd stored there months ago & forgotten about. I played around with the image for a while & up this popped. Then, while trying to render it, my computer locked up on me 3x & it took forever to render, so I finally went to bed. In the morning, there this sat. So what do you all think ?!!


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01/11/06 10:45 PM GMT
really nice, I like the green gradient, nice job :) I do suggest/ask you make more like this :)
0∈ [?]
01/11/06 10:48 PM GMT
WOW Lauren, this image is absolutely fantastic and it was definetely worth all the trouble you had with it. I love the colors and the lighting / contrast settings. This one is really a masterpiece, it looks as if golden ducks were flying around there, very very nice. This one goes right into my favorites, brilliant work from you...
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Find out about me and my work at "my gallery"...
01/11/06 10:49 PM GMT
Great image Lauren.. Love it!!!
0∈ [?]
One bead at a time
01/11/06 10:57 PM GMT
Very nice Lauren! Great colors, love the earthy browns and golds in there. It reminds me of feathers or sunflowers. Looks like all your heartaches and frustration panned out very well. Great job kiddo!..=)
0∈ [?]
01/12/06 12:19 AM GMT
Really cool image laurengary, the swirling patern reminds me of a sea shell with little sea horses surrounding it. Very interesting and very pleasant on the eyes. Would be great as a screen saver.
0∈ [?]
01/12/06 4:47 AM GMT
Woohoo we have feathers.. way to go girl.. You should stress more often.. LOL.. (kidding).. great flame work, and perfect gradient for it... very well done
0∈ [?]
"I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination" / Jimmy Dean
01/12/06 8:03 AM GMT
I really love this, Lauren. It has an Oriental feel to me, and it looks wonderful on my desktop :)
0∈ [?]
01/12/06 1:32 PM GMT
I think it looks great!!
0∈ [?]
01/12/06 6:16 PM GMT
very cool manipulation, Lauren, Its looks amazing, hoe bernie said looks a buch of golden ducks returning to their place,and rebirth the next generation, very impresive and creative piece, congratulations !!!
0∈ [?]
“Suspiros etereos se abrazan con un beso eterno” Enjoy My Gallery
01/12/06 8:39 PM GMT
Hi Lauren, my this is truly beautiful, with it's richness of greens and dark lemon golds! It is in such good taste, artistically well designed, and very pleasing to the eye! Someday, I hope to find the time it takes to learn from these programs! Oh, yes and the necessary talent needed also! At present, I am confined to my flower garden, allowed to be released only for an occasional landscape or vegetable shot! LOL! Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
01/13/06 8:30 AM GMT
Wow Lauren!!!! The colors match well with the spectacular really comes together nicely...worth the wait and trouble...Excellent job!!!

Science officer's station
0∈ [?]
-"The needs of the many,outweigh the needs of the few or the one".-Spock
01/15/06 7:47 AM GMT
Well ... your image conjures up gryphons in mind. Medieval and mythological. Ahhh, got it ... Anne McCaffery, if I got that right, "Dragonriders of Pern." A descent of the predators.

Beautiful colour choices. And again, view this full size. The thumbnail is impressive, but, you will be blown away once you crank up the pixels.

I keep looking at this image to try and find a way to crop, just a little bit, of the image and lessen the use of dark space. This is a great fractal and needs, IMHO, some sort of 'anchor.'

Hmm, clear as mud? Ok, one more time ... it appears to me, at least, as too free-floating in it's space. The thought, suggestion I have, is to move the focal point of the flame and situate it in the right hand bottom corner more so. (Hence my use of the word anchor, lol.)

Annndd ... there is method in my madness ... perfect, then my desktop icons can be placed as I usually have them, in the upper left :) .
(p.s. To think that I almost wrote down the rotational maneuvers that would accomplish my, er, humble suggestion. That would have made sooo much more sense, 'pip.')
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The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
01/20/06 11:41 AM GMT
Sort of makes me think peacock plumage! Beautiful!
0∈ [?]
01/21/06 6:59 PM GMT
This does look like a centurian's helmet! Sorry you had so many setbacks on the way, but it turned out beautifully! Nice.

0∈ [?]
" never come to think that what is ordinary to you may be a desert of woeful newness to another." Richard Llewellyn

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