
  Passing Fancy  

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Uploaded: 09/19/06 1:48 PM GMT
Passing Fancy
Views: 748
Dlds: 121
Status: active

A huge debt of thanks is owed to Lauren, lgmac for letting me play & tweak among her flames to my heart's content. Thank you so much Lauren ! <<<hugs>>> You're the best hon !


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09/19/06 2:40 PM GMT
Great work { from both Laurens'} :)
Nice design and why do I always see chocolate?
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SORRY I AM INFREQUENT VIEWING/COMMENTING! I have many things going on that are keeping me off the pc...
09/19/06 4:03 PM GMT
Wow! Very shiny. Great design.
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09/19/06 4:39 PM GMT
Great job to you both, this one's a real winner Lauren.
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09/19/06 5:26 PM GMT
This one is way cool!! like the shiney reflections and the tightness in the inner spiral. Excellent job Lauren. and you know that I know it takes a good image to start with so a big atta girl to IGMAC. Nicely done ladies...
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I expand my perception of the world and accept my strength to change my mind.
09/19/06 8:35 PM GMT
Beautiful Work with Great Colors and Design..Excellent
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09/19/06 11:58 PM GMT
Great colors. Good job Lauren.
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09/20/06 1:49 AM GMT
Wow!! Great work Lauren and Lauren! LOL! Never thought I'd be saying that...=P..Terri's right, I see chocolate pudding with m&m's..=D
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"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." -Henry Ward Beecher My Gallery
09/20/06 3:24 AM GMT
Very's the birth of something but I have no idea what.
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I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
09/20/06 10:41 AM GMT
Looks like chocolate.. *licks screen... funny dont taste like it... lol... great work Lauren... love the colour and great plastic flame work... excellent
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MY GALLERY ........... "Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece"
10/02/06 10:25 PM GMT
i can't write in public what this reminds me of, but...i do like it... PM me if ya wanna know ... i suspect you'll laugh a bit
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lately, i've fallen horribly behind in my thanks and comments. I'll catch up, but until I do, please know all your kind words are greatly appreciated.
10/24/06 5:51 PM GMT
Great stuff!!
0∈ [?]

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