
  Seahorses At Play  

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Uploaded: 10/17/06 1:18 AM GMT
Seahorses At Play
Views: 713
Dlds: 91
Status: active

playing with colors in FTP.


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10/17/06 1:27 AM GMT
Such a perfect title for this art Lauren. My husband is a saltwater aquarium enthusiast and I really am not a fan. I keep telling him the only way I'll ever get on board with his hobby is if he turns his tank into a seahorse coral. This is beautiful. Maybe I'll just pretend... Thanks for sharing this beauty. anne :-)
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Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
10/17/06 1:30 AM GMT
Lovely, soft colors. I'm constantly surprised at what this relatively basic program can do. Nice work Lauren.
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10/17/06 1:47 AM GMT
Great title lauren.. You keep playing.. cuz only good things can come of it.. wonderful design..=D
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Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.
10/17/06 1:51 AM GMT
So pretty and I love the colours. The title describes it perfectly.
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
10/17/06 1:57 AM GMT
Such intricate beauty, Lauren! Perfect title too. I really like them colors. Well done!
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10/17/06 2:24 AM GMT does look like seahorses. Nice job.
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I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
10/17/06 2:30 AM GMT
Love the colour,love the background, added it to my favs gosh I think that's about it. LOL Great job Lauren, this is just stunning and very beautiful my dear.
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10/17/06 2:45 AM GMT
Very nice design. I like how intricate it is.
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10/17/06 7:34 AM GMT
This is beautiful Lauren ... I love the green & mauve colors. Must be viewed full screen to see the fine detail. Very nicely done ... I love it.
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Friends are like shining stars. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there for you.
10/17/06 8:37 AM GMT
This is both interesting and a pleasure to look at. It's quite stunning.

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10/17/06 9:44 PM GMT
Good title! But colour scheme is just fantastic, Lauren! Another great addition to Caedes Gems file! Thank you for sharing!
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10/18/06 1:03 AM GMT
This is wonderful Lauren! You've done a beautiful job on this fractal! Great colors and title..=)
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"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." -Henry Ward Beecher My Gallery
10/18/06 9:55 AM GMT
Well just keep playin'!! I luv it!! The muted pink and greens fit purrrfect with the overall earthiness of the brown hue!!
0∈ [?]
Picture Purrrfect . A purrrfect world is what we all want, but, seems too unobtainable. If I've viewed and commented on your post, and you liked my remarks then NO THANKS is needed...just getting to see your wonderful work is thanks enough for me!! Also BIG thanks to all who check out my work!! I appreciate any and all comments & feedback!!
10/18/06 1:03 PM GMT
Hi Lauren, interesting colours for a great creation.
I love the smoothness in between the details!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
12/12/06 6:10 PM GMT
Guess I'm the party pooper… this is one of the times the color combo doesn't work for me. But that's okay. I still love ya other 1/2! (if you haven't killed me after this comment of course)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"

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