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Uploaded: 11/19/06 1:51 AM GMT
Views: 1066
Dlds: 193
Status: active

Sorry guys, but this looks like one thing to me :o) Apophysis 2.05b, ... enjoy.


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11/19/06 3:26 AM GMT
Dunno why your apologising, this is fantastic! the quiality is crystal clear yet you could've done with reducing the gamma another bit, a lot of grain around the top (i'm not blind yet :P)
0∈ [?]
| My Gallery | Modern Blue -^- Image of the week: Right in Two -^- Tool (the band) are bloody awesome :.:
11/19/06 3:48 AM GMT
Beautiful piece of art my dear. To the hard drive it goes......Thank you
0∈ [?]
Be true to yourself so you can be true to everyone else.
11/19/06 3:52 AM GMT
LMAO! It's Moolius! He's back! Mmmmmm! Steak!..=PP.......
0∈ [?]
"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." -Henry Ward Beecher......... My Gallery
11/19/06 4:15 AM GMT
Yep a cow in blue lace...........hubba hubba.........can you do one in purple leather?? LMAO Fantabulicious Lauren, I gotta go lookin' at Larry up there is makin' me hungry...........for some reason bacon & eggs sound good. LOL
0∈ [?]
11/19/06 6:37 AM GMT
A fractal cow...what a great idea. All seriousness aside this really is quite good, I like it.
0∈ [?]
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
11/19/06 6:47 AM GMT
The blue is so brilliant! Very nice!
0∈ [?]
Since we cant change reality. Let us change our eyes in which we percieve reality. Nikos Kazantzakis.
11/19/06 10:33 AM GMT
Udderly beautiful.. *sorry i'll just moooove along.. =PP Love the colour, the flame is excellent ,, very nice work Lauren
0∈ [?]
MY GALLERY ........... "Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece"
11/19/06 12:15 AM GMT
Moo! indeed - I love it. Blue cows are the best.
0∈ [?]
The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
11/19/06 2:30 PM GMT
~grabs a plate and a steak fork~

Mmmmm...beef!! When do we eat? 8~D

The blues are outstanding against the background colorations!!
0∈ [?]
Picture Purrrfect . Why does the picture come out square when the lens is round??? 8~O
11/19/06 4:50 PM GMT
Yes, I see a dragon too! Cow maybe, but more like a dragon. ;)
0∈ [?]
Don't tell me what you're gonna do. Tell me what you've done. - Dale Earnhardt - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Gallery ~~~~~~~ My Website~~~~~~~~~~~~~
11/19/06 5:36 PM GMT
incredible!! lol it couldnt look more like a cow if you tried!!! wait.... maybe theyre right, its a dragon!!! ohhhh i cant decide!! lol ok its a cowgon! :)
0∈ [?]
11/19/06 7:10 PM GMT
Now that is a cute cow or maybe a blue hippo either way it's all good
0∈ [?]
11/19/06 7:31 PM GMT
Nice work Lauren. The blue fits in there perfectly and I like the "thick" black spot at the top.
0∈ [?]
Fighting for freedom is like screwing for virginity. - Anon
11/19/06 7:59 PM GMT
A Fractal cow..Fantastic,and Beautiful work..Lovely colors and Great design..
0∈ [?]
11/20/06 4:27 AM GMT
she appears to decked out for Carnivale'!
0∈ [?]
11/20/06 5:48 AM GMT
Exceptionally creative!
0∈ [?]
Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. —Aristotle
11/20/06 3:08 PM GMT
This just came up in the voting booth. I thought it was great, far beyond the 39 C-score it got. My vote should have given it a big boost. Great detailed work in my opinion.
0∈ [?]
11/20/06 3:19 PM GMT
Hiya Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok....Ok....people whine about the C-Index all the time....{ so why the hell should I be different?}:) I dunno where the score will top off on this one, but as I's a mere 39.....and baffles the crap outta me. This is whimsical, creative...straight into my faves and also into my hard-drive keepers. Looks like a baby dragon to me...not a cow...but it is precious, UNIQUE and I totally love it!

PS: Does it eat corn?
0∈ [?]
Hey there Mister Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away Tell me what made you that way
11/20/06 3:26 PM GMT
Read Pat's comment/above mine....
ok...I gave it a combined with her vote...and mine...let's see if it MOOOOOOOOOOves
0∈ [?]
Hey there Mister Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away Tell me what made you that way
11/20/06 3:54 PM GMT
To me, it looks like a dragon expect for the big nose. gorgeous colors. I agree with speedy, it is a little grainy on the top. Great job.
0∈ [?]
Stress Reliever #24: When your feeling strained, eat chocolate. (Just don't touch mine or you'll have a lot more things to feel stressed about!) ------------------------------------------------------------ Psalm 118, an uplifting chapter ----------------------- Check out my gallery---------'Christian of Caedes'
11/20/06 11:59 PM GMT
Holy Cow. Great work of cow art.
0∈ [?]
11/21/06 8:44 PM GMT
This is something different from all those electric sheep :-)) My first impression was - and remained - that of a cow ... made ready for a festival. Did the flame it moo when it had finished?

Oh, I nearly forgot: it's very well done, great.

0∈ [?]
11/23/06 6:25 PM GMT
That is so rich....a fractal cow. LOL. Quite good..
0∈ [?]
Life's moments are sweet. I just want to capture all that I can of them.
11/27/06 3:44 AM GMT
Well done your highness..=D
0∈ [?]
Way behind on my friends list.. will play catch up and hopefully will get ahead of the game soon.. Thanks for all your comments and support..Happy Holidays everyone..=D
11/29/06 2:19 AM GMT
LMAO and here I saw a butterfly!
0∈ [?]
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
12/02/06 8:04 PM GMT
Lol, this is a fun fractal. (I really want to say whimsical, but won't. :oP)

Even sans title ... Elsie was just crying out to be recognized.

Standout element? Ahh, but your colour palette used for this image. I would love to see those electric blues on grays used in another piece of yours. That touch of white is a bonus.

Oooo k, now I have to find out the 'how' to these new offerings of yours. Fortunately, I have some space on the edges of my monitor for a few more post-its, or reminders to myself.

You certainly are demonstrating an extremely high level of mastery to be able to create flames such as this. I have attempted to do a few similiar fractals ... in that I have tried to create a realistic portraiture (to an extent) of 'something' ... but with no success as of yet.

Insofar as the grain that has been mentioned ... hmm. Not sure if I see what the two commenting members above have expressed. *shrugs*

One aspect I find more than worthy of further investigation is the area ... coincidentally brought to attention (or not :oP) above ... on the crown of Elsie's head. There is a distinct heart-shape there just begging to be filled with a jewel of some kind. I would even humbly suggest to bisect your flame just below eye level and create a new piece with an nnsmith type of jewel.

Or perhaps, something similiar to Keiths' Chambord Tekneek, which is indeed heart-shaped. Just some thoughts.

Nice work.
0∈ [?]
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
12/12/06 8:00 PM GMT
LMAO. um. okay… took me a moment… but yup… there Elsie is in all her glory. (and not lookin to happy being dressed up like a pet poodle either 8•P)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
04/04/07 11:19 AM GMT
Another FAV. This is gorgeous. :) Sarah
0∈ [?]
Hi I'm Sarah. My motto is if you like cats, you can't be ALL bad. :)

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