
  water lily  

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Uploaded: 05/17/06 8:20 AM GMT
water lily
Views: 1596
Dlds: 129
Status: active

back again - and I can't help it - I love flowers!! hope you like this one too, I think it makes a beautyful desktop


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05/18/06 7:19 AM GMT
Hi there Ela! I love waterlilies and this one is exceptional beautiful! The lighting looks exquisite and the petals look very translucent. The shadows that are dancing around the water and the lily just add the the attractiveness of this flower. I have set it as my background and am downloading it into my favorite's folder on my hard drive so I can run it in my screensaver slideshow program. I got this int he voting booth and gave ti high marks! Very well done and thank you for posting it for us to enjoy :~)
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05/20/06 2:09 PM GMT
I love the blur of the background while the lily jumps out at us. It is really quite nice! Thank you!
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05/20/06 2:55 PM GMT
This is a beautiful photograph. I think if you were to crop some of the leaves out it might be even more striking. That’s just a suggestion because the photo is beautiful anyway. The colours are lovely and the bloom stands out from the background extremely well.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
05/20/06 8:27 PM GMT
Very nice compisition and lighting. The flower really stands out. I would leave it as is. I am not a fan of photos that have been altered.
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