
  Big Fish - Little Fish  

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Uploaded: 12/28/13 10:19 PM GMT
Big Fish - Little Fish
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There are times when some of the most obvious lessons in life, have to be learned the Hard Way. Many years ago, I was a student pilot in Nebraska. I was learning how to fly, and got the go ahead for my first cross country solo. As I taxied onto the the runway, I radioed the tower for permission to take-off. I was advised that there was a commercial 727 on a parallel runway also first in line for take-off. The tower ask me if I would care to wait for the commercial traffic to take off first. I replied "this is student pilot Jerry, which do you suggest I do?" WRONG thing to Say. I suddenly heard the Captain of the 272 saying "student pilot Jerry, we will wait. Proceed with take-off" I didnt know it at the time, BUT, I was about to learn a valuable lesson courtesy of the other pilot. . . . .The lesson is simple "if you want to enjoy tomorrows adventures, DONT get in front of the Big Fish". They are faster and more powerful. Wait a few minutes and stay behind them. . . . .I went ahead and took off, as soon as I gained some altitude the radio cracked with the voice of the airline Captain "student pilot Jerry, have a safe flight, and pay attention in Ground School" what the heck did he mean by that. ? All the sudden in my left window, I see this enormous jet fly by me, and complete his clearing turn. Suddenly, I was in for the wildest ride of my life. More pitches and bumps than any roller-coaster. I was in the wake, of the Big Fish. It didnt last long, but it sure scared the gusto out of me. 1st lesson in ground school, stay out of the wake caused by other aircraft. Thanks to the humor and wisdom of the airline Captain, I learned a lesson I never have forgot. "If you are not sure of what you need to do, stay out of the way."


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12/28/13 10:25 PM GMT
Great story that accompanies this fine and funny image :)
Love the carp lips as opposed to the shark-like rest of the body LOL
Thanks for the fun served most artistically.
Hugs from SAM & SAAB
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With all my love and respect, Marzena
12/29/13 1:48 AM GMT
you are sooo very right sir! when i was much younger did a lot of stupid stunts in my time. of course back then they were called "great ideas" but i always made sure to tag along a friend just a little bit more of an idiot to go first.(test the waters you might say)hey, after all i was the engineer not the test pilot, which is why im probably able to view this fantastic picture today.
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Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights do make a left
12/29/13 6:02 AM GMT
This is a really cool photo accompanied by an entertaining story Jerry. Well done!
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The thing that goes the farthest, towards making life worthwhile, it costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
12/29/13 10:27 AM GMT
Great job handling ! Congratulations.
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12/29/13 12:20 AM GMT
Just checking my new avie.
0∈ [?]
With all my love and respect, Marzena

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