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Uploaded: 09/29/10 11:57 PM GMT
Views: 1412
Dlds: 23
Status: active

Been a while since I've uploaded anything... Found a blog article that described making a macro lens for a cell phone camera by sacrificing a DVD ROM. So I tore into on, and after creating a lot of extra parts, I got the required lens, and shot this using my Droid phone. The image has been cropped and color adjusted a bit in GIMP.


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10/02/10 4:40 PM GMT
The technique sounds fascinating and the image is proof enough that it works and can produce surprising results. In that sense the image is a great success, but I think that as a desktop background it merits less highly. Probably a less pitted coin would have made a more attractive image, and I would have liked to see the whole coin rather than having the near and far side cut off. Whenever taking a shot of a head (or depiction of a head) it's also a good idea to get the face and especially the eyes in focus, as that's naturally the first area the viewer looks at. On the technical side, the colour rendering is good, but there is a great deal of noise in the image, particularly in the grey background. Probably some at least of this could be edited out - in Photoshop this would be through using the Reduce Noise and Despeckle tools, but I'm not familiar enough with Gimp to know what the equivalents there would be.
Hope this helps.
0∈ [?]
I much appreciate all the comments I receive about my images, but please excuse me if I don't always reply. My interest in Caedes is exceeding my time available!
10/02/10 4:43 PM GMT
Lincoln looked better at the theater. A bit be-speckled. I'm sure you'll make improvements.
0∈ [?]
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before.
10/02/10 6:08 PM GMT
Guess I would have started with a better coin and tried to get (In God We Trust) in it as well. Maybe if it were tipped more downward you maybe could have gotten the whole coin in. I think it's a nice try though.
0∈ [?]
10/03/10 1:10 AM GMT
great closeup
0∈ [?]
"my pictures" Together we can accomplish the extraordinary,
10/03/10 3:08 AM GMT
A good alternative title might be "A Penny for your Thoughts".
0∈ [?]
some pictures say a thousand words... others speak silently to the soul
10/05/10 4:49 AM GMT
Wow, exceptional photo for a cell phone camera. Looks like the project was a success.
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
10/05/10 6:43 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments, everyone. Yeah, I could have used a better subject, but that was the best I had in my pocket at the time. I wanted to use a penny to get the color, instead of a plain silver coin. I also wanted something minted more recently, to get more definition in the details. The background that has been noted was the actual surface of the windowsill I was using so I could get enough light under the phone and onto the subject. I was dealing with a distance of about 1.5 inches, so going head-on to the subject was just about impossible due to the phone blocking the available light.

It's an interesting technique that I'm going to play with more, I'm sure. Maybe not the easiest to work with, but I'm going to just have to find a setting and subject that lends itself to this method. :)
0∈ [?]
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
10/24/10 2:24 AM GMT
With a phone? Good job! It has awesome clarity for what I was expecting out of a phone. That is cool how that works.
0∈ [?]

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