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Uploaded: 06/03/07 4:13 PM GMT
Views: 4509
Dlds: 1677
Status: active

The Moonrise last night was beautiful.


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06/03/07 4:38 PM GMT
Oh! come on us a chance to say something!...You got me 'gobsmacked' with this one mate!...Atomical awesome!!!
0∈ [?]
*You will have noticed that I haven't been commenting as much on your fine images!..This is because of the pains in my hands!..the constant use of the keyboard, makes this, my dear friends..I can only apologise to you all in advance!* Dunstickin's Gallery
06/03/07 4:53 PM GMT
I'll bet it was beautiful, you don't need words to see that, the photo says enough, really beautiful Robert:))
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laughter is the best medicine.
06/03/07 4:57 PM GMT
Atomical awesome. I never heard that expression before :-) Thank you Bob.

And thank you too Twinkel :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/03/07 5:21 PM GMT
This is really stunning Robert, incredible beautiful!
no further words to say.
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Please visit my gallery.
06/03/07 5:22 PM GMT
This is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. It’s on the verge of being so dark you can’t see, yet it's bright enough you can see detail. Great Job!
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You live Life in Chapters - Try to end each Chapter HAPPY!
06/03/07 6:09 PM GMT
Beautiful is the word for this. Stunning low light picture. The sky, the reflections, the lights, everything about this is perfect. Excellent picture.

Ian :)
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Save the Cheerleader......Save the World!
06/03/07 6:24 PM GMT
I'm sorry..I'm speechless....favs:)
0∈ [?]
06/03/07 7:07 PM GMT
Great shot, Robert. I love the reflections in the water, where the moon is, being partially obscured by clouds, and the composition, which is just perfect :)
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06/03/07 7:15 PM GMT
Amazing capture Robert, just lovely.
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Why not go out on a limb, that is where the fruit is.... Frank Scully
06/03/07 8:56 PM GMT
Stunning capture, Robert! The absolutely vertical reflections in the water are a perfect balance for the mast. The lighting is truly exceptional. Straight with this one to my HD and favs, thank you!
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Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little. - Edmund Burke
06/03/07 10:26 PM GMT
Thank you for all those delightful comments.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/04/07 12:50 AM GMT
One cool image!!!
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Life's moments are sweet. I just want to capture all that I can of them.
06/04/07 3:13 AM GMT
A lovely title for this presentation. Beautiful evening coming on, and a brilliant moon rising. Talk about being in the right spot! The water is like glass showing off the lovely line of lights. Pretty colours with the greens and golds. Oh, and a lovely boat at rest. Thanks for this serene view Robert :^>
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I need to catch up on things so can't comment too much. But I love all of your fine images :)
06/04/07 6:34 AM GMT
Thank you Frank and Carolyn.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/04/07 8:21 AM GMT

0∈ [?]
06/04/07 11:39 AM GMT
Wonderful scene..Stunning shot..
0∈ [?]
06/04/07 12:19 AM GMT
Simply lovely - knocks ya socks off.
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
06/04/07 12:22 AM GMT
Thank you Emil and Erja.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/04/07 12:46 AM GMT
What a wonderful shot. Immediately placed as my desktop and quickly saved in my favorites. What a great job.
0∈ [?]
06/04/07 1:04 PM GMT
Thank you Dennis.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/04/07 1:29 PM GMT
Ditto everyone above, this is beyond words - thank you so much!

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The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. Vince Lombardi
06/04/07 1:43 PM GMT
Thank you Mary.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/04/07 2:27 PM GMT
I wish there were words to describe just how beautiful this photo is...but everything I think of falls far short! Simply gorgeous and right into my favorites!
0∈ [?]
In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
06/04/07 2:30 PM GMT
Now I’m lost for words Cindy. Um… Thank you.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/05/07 1:00 AM GMT
You're very, very good at what you're doing Robert. Thanks for sharing. Hannie
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People will soon forget what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
06/05/07 4:08 AM GMT
Why, thank you Hannie.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/05/07 10:14 AM GMT
Well, I should say so! This is such a well done photo and you used that lighting to the best advantage. Did you also use a star filter?
0∈ [?]
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
06/05/07 2:57 PM GMT
Thank you Cindy. No filters or special effects in this.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/05/07 3:07 PM GMT
Hey Rob this is excellently taken and what a shot. Excellent work

P.S. sorry for the lateness for I have been very busy renovating of late and work so I haven't had time for much else.
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As long as I can remember, I've had amnesia.
06/05/07 3:20 PM GMT
Thank you Jason.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/07/07 10:12 PM GMT
Sha-zam!! Whadda snazzy capture mate!!
0∈ [?]
Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round?? Picture Purrrfect .
06/08/07 7:38 AM GMT
Thank you Randy :-)
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/09/07 8:24 AM GMT
absolutely stunning image Robert! It is one of those images that makes your mouth drop open - it is so beautiful! 100 this should score and no less!
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"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery
06/09/07 9:05 AM GMT
Thank you Patti.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/09/07 6:11 PM GMT
I like this,It's really good.
0∈ [?]
06/09/07 10:40 PM GMT
Thank you Richie.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/10/07 12:52 AM GMT
AWESOME! Lovely picture =]
0∈ [?]
06/10/07 1:06 AM GMT
Thank you sammi.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/10/07 8:47 PM GMT
What is atomical awesome? Leave it to the Britts! Love this. Most unusual colors and presentation.
0∈ [?]
06/10/07 9:25 PM GMT
Thank you Pat.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/11/07 7:31 AM GMT
Thank you Robert. ;-) Awesome shot.
0∈ [?]
"There are no rules and regulations for perfect composition. If there were we would be able to put all the information into a computer and would come out with a masterpiece. We know that's impossible. You have to compose by the seat of your pants." -Arnold Newman
06/11/07 10:56 AM GMT
Your welcome Scott.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/12/07 1:29 AM GMT
This is waaaay cool...I love it. Super colors and reflections. I can tell by the clouds this was a long exposure...can you tell me how long? Excellent work.
0∈ [?]
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
06/12/07 2:30 AM GMT
Thanks Jerry, it got 30 seconds.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
07/06/07 6:12 PM GMT
You know very well how to make us jealous... So moody and it has that 'secretive' feel to it!....The light passing from behind the clouds and the reflection in the water ...
0∈ [?]
Are you ready for the springtime? Come on! Nature is thriving with colors...
07/07/07 12:50 AM GMT
Interesting comments Ewa, thank you :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
07/07/07 10:17 PM GMT
This is fantastic. What a magnificent shot.
0∈ [?]
Several of my photos are available for purchase in larger format at Shutterpoint, and some are also available in high quality framed prints at
07/08/07 8:09 AM GMT
Thank you Donna.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/19/07 11:15 PM GMT
I don't know if you used any effects on this, but it is fantastic.
0∈ [?]
Imagine you are there
10/20/07 11:58 AM GMT
Thank you Jim. No special effects, just a long exposure.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
04/27/08 1:44 AM GMT
I can't think of any words for this one, all that comes to mind is.....GORGEOUS/FANTASTIC/EXCELLENT/ PERFECT/AWESOME/STUNNING/ Must I go on? One great shot!!_______ALLEE:)
0∈ [?]
04/29/08 12:02 AM GMT
I’m glad you like it Alice. Thank you.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
02/27/09 7:56 PM GMT
Eye candy say no more
0∈ [?]
02/27/09 11:01 PM GMT
Thank you Bri.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/11/09 5:39 AM GMT
Beautiful pic!
0∈ [?]
03/22/10 5:12 PM GMT
I really like the sky - You don't see that often!
0∈ [?]
“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” - Kahlil Gibran
04/01/10 2:48 PM GMT
Thank you Marisa and Jeremy.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
12/07/10 3:08 PM GMT
Amazingly good piece of photography.
0∈ [?]

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