Thanks for the kind words on "Ultra Violet Love". Our tyke is doing just great. :) From a start 6 weeks early and just 1300 grams he's now well above 4500 in just over three months corrected time. He never had any serious complications besides being SGA and his development is right on schedule. (In fact he's a bit early considering some development if you count in strict corrected time.)
Open your eyes, it's time you realize
It's your own demise.
Open your eyes, it's time you realize
To reach out for the prize.
--Pillar, "Open Your Eyes"
Thanks for the comment on "Acer rubrum". I agree completely with your comment; the simple colors and form of this leaf are what make it so beautiful. I am glad that you like the shot!
Thanks for your comment on Calla Lilly 1. I really liked the series in general - I am a bit focused on black and white at the moment - so I see everything in black and white when I am shooting :-)