
Artist Spotlight #12

Submitted by Piner 02/25/06 7:44 PM GMT

It's time to play the music... It's time to light the lights... It's time to meet the artists on tonight... It's time to put on make-up... It's time to dress-up right... It's time to raise the curtain on The Artist Spotlight... So it really makes me happy to introduce to you trisbert and his gallery... But now let's get things started... On the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, caedesational... This is what we call The Artist Spotlight!

Thank you for nominating me for the Artist Spotlight. When I learned that my turn had come, I was both delighted and dismayed. You see I’m one of those people who are reluctant to write anything, then once I start, I become reluctant to stop.

I was born in England. Dad was in the RAF and got posted every couple of years. So I got to live in a number of areas. The places I remember best are Cornwall, Norfolk and Yorkshire. My family immigrated to Australia in 1969 were I became a plate maker in the print industry. I married an Australian girl named Trish in 1975. We settled in a little country town north of Sydney. In those early days I had Pentax MX camera, but the arrival of two marvellous boys left little funds for film and processing. So my camera spent much of the next twenty years in a cupboard until… I discovered Caedes while looking for wallpaper. The wallpaper at Caedes was the best I had found anywhere and didn’t come with a payload of viruses or spyware so I began browsing the site on a regular basis. After a while I was moved to leave a comment on someone’s image and they thanked me! From that moment I was hooked.

The photography bug came back. I wanted to see if I could take a photo equal to those I saw on Caedes. I also wanted to give something back to the Caedes community. So I bought a Canon 300D. In twelve months I took 10,000 photos with it, most of them were duds but by crikey I learned a lot about photography :-) I think I have learned enough about photography now to realise how much more there is to be learned. Perhaps my favourite photo is Alectown Landscape. I hadn’t got a good photo that day and the sun was almost gone when I spotted that lonely tree in the paddock. There was no time to use the tripod so I perched the camera on a fence post and took the photo.

I’m very grateful to all the people who have left comments both positive and critical at my photos. You people have helped me learn more about photography than any book or formal tuition could. This is perhaps the greatest asset that Caedes has to offer us as artists. The constant feedback is invaluable. We can learn a great deal from the many talented and generous people here from their comments and by their example. I get a great deal of pleasure by the constant communication with people from all over world. I enjoy the wide variety of images from all categories on offer here. I concentrate mainly on the photographers, only because there simply isn’t enough time to cover all the disciplines fully. I also enjoy seeing new members arrive here, watching their confidence grow and noting their progress over time. Now I have probably said too much, if you are still reading then you are indeed a friend and I thank you for your patience. If you have any questions or comments feel free to message me, I will respond to them.

Cheers from Robert


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